Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Scholarships for Camp

Camp forms are coming in at a good clip and many have already sent in most
of their campers but I have special request...

When I was a youth growing up at Davis Street Christian Church I remember a
year or two that money was tight at home. Perhaps this was most years but
if individuals from the church would not have made that extra effort to
talk to me or catch me at church or just call and insist that I go to camp I
firmly believe I might not have gone. If I had not gone its possible that
I would never have ended up in the ministry I do now. Please take a close
look at who is going to camp from your church and who is not... Make that
extra call for their sake and for the churches sake...

Everyone deserves a week of Church Camp... We have just received an
additional 1500 for the Disciples Together Scholarship fund to help youth
go to camp! So again please seek out that one or two last
campers. Together lets make sure everyone goes to camp!

Bill Spangler-Dunning

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