Thursday, September 25, 2008

From the DOC Lectionary Blog

This weeks' reflection comes from Danny Bradfield, a Disciples pastor in California:

...People do often say one thing and then do another. "Who will help out at the church workday?" Fifteen hands go up, but when the work day arrives, only three are present. What happened to the other twelve? They said they'd be there. Where are they?

Read more at the DOC Lectionary Blog.

Faith on Tap: UCC/Disciples Young Adult Fellowship Group

Dear Fellowship members,

All who attended last weeks gathering submitted a faith question. We tossed them in a hat and pulled out a discussion question for this week. This weeks discussion question is:

What is the value of selecting one faith doctrine/cannon instead of many? Why do we only study the bible?...especially as a church with an emphasis on accepting and understanding multiple viewpoints?

And just for fun: If Jesus and Buddha got in a fight, who would win?

Last weeks discussion was very rich...I'm looking forward to this week. Same place, same time: Common Roots CAFE, Thursday (Sept. 25th) 7:00pm.

Any questions please call or e-mail.

In Christ's Body, Amy Wick Moore 651-645-3765
Amy is a UCC member in Minnesota that heads up Come Thirsty, a gathering of UCC and Disciples 20 and 30 somethings. Shane Isaac, pastor of Plymouth Creek Christian Church in Plymouth, MN and Dennis Sanders, a Twin Cities-based Disciples pastor are also involved in this venture.

Community Programming at United Seminary in the Twin Cities

Monday, September 29
7:00-9:00 PM
Steckel Learning Center

Individuals and communities of faith have a responsibility to discern how religious faith relates to our involvement in government and our role as citizens. The elections this fall provide us with an ideal opportunity to explore the connections between our beliefs and our political engagement. This workshop will discuss characteristics of authentic and effective faith-based political involvement, obstacles and strategies for increasing a congregation’s involvement, and positive ways to learn from differing view points.

Led by Trish Greeves, contextual studies coordinator for United.

Fee: $15.00
Students: $5.00
Register online or call 651.255.6138.

Blessing Symbols Still Needed for Regional Assembly

Hi - This is Carla Nelson the person you are suppose to contact if you have any questions about the symbol you are being asked to bring to Regional Assembly. My cell phone number has changed. It is now: 641-451-5153

I have received three e-mails telling me about their churches' symbol. Please send, e-mail or call about your symbol as soon as possible.

Carla Nelson
Hedrick Christian Church
61 S 3rd St
Ollie, IA 52576

Friday, September 19, 2008

Volunteer Needed

NEEDED! We need a video tech. (with equipment) in order to produce a video of the need for volunteers to help with the flood recovery in the areas devastated by this summer's tornados and floods in our area.The vision: Cedar Rapids – and Iowa – will not be high on the list of “glamorous” places to take a mission trip. However, the need is great and there are some real benefits in coming to Iowa.

The method: Through on-site interviews with flood survivors and mission groups, we hope to be able to put some human faces to the recovery effort. At the same time, CR – Iowa has a LOT to offer in the way of working conditions (mild temperatures; no chiggers, no fire ants, no brown recluse spiders, no poisonous snakes!; an urban environment (lots of entertainment possibilities), etc.

The goal: To produce a video we can send to Regions, Districts/Areas, Clusters and individual churches to help promote CR-Iowa as a viable mission alternative. Call Doug Miller – (319) 393-9532 or email

The Latest From Week of Compassion on Hurricane Ike

Response to Ike's Devastation Begins

Millions of people from the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast all the way up to Ohio and Indiana remain without power in the aftermath of Hurricane Ike. Communities in southeast Texas and southwest Louisiana are facing the kind of devastation that Hurricanes Katrina and Rita left behind just 3 years ago. More than 50 deaths have been blamed on the storm, tens of thousands of people have been displaced, and property damages have already exceeded $10 billion.

Week of Compassion continues to gather resources to respond to needs within impacted Disciples congregations and to support wider community relief and recovery efforts. WOC is working closely with the Coastal Plains Area office of the Christian Church in the Southwest to contact local pastors and congregations, but communications and travel in the Area remain a challenge. Here is a very preliminary report to date:

Beaumont, First: Downed trees, damage to Meditation Walk, members' homes damaged

Freeport: Damage to the roof, minister's home, members' homes; extent currently unknown

Galveston, Central: Some water damage, but still standing! Members are scattered and information is still being gathered; some are still in Galveston.

El Redentor and Renovada Sion: Playground destroyed, some roof damage and water entry. Members' homes mild to moderate damage

Houston, First: Flooding in education Wing and sanctuary

FCC, Katy: Relatively minor damage to the church; roof & water entry. Members' homes similarly affected

Iglesia Cristiana Shekinah (housed in FCC Katy): Members' homes minor damage

Houston, Memorial Drive: Trees and debris, some water. At least one member's home seriously damaged by multiple trees falling into the house

FCC, Pasadena: Church and members have mild to moderate water and roof damage

Port Arthur, First: Moderate damage to the church. Associate Pastor Scott Miller reports that those who got new roofs after Rita kept theirs and those who had not will now need new roofs.

FCC, Orange: Several feet of water in the church; at least four members with significant damage

Taylor Lake CC: By some miracle, they have no water in their buildings, but some of their members have serious damage.

FCC, Texas City: Education wing roof peeled off, additional damage caused by water entry. Members with similar damage.

The Woodlands: Trees down all over The Woodlands, so some members' homes will have sustained damage

Lake Charles, LA, First: Church facilities ok, but perhaps as many as 50% of the members have water damage to their homes.

Week of Compassion is also supporting a major Church World Service appeal that is covering not only Ike but also Hurricanes Dolly, Fay and Gustav. CWS has dispatched Emergency Response Specialists to Louisiana and Texas to work with local partners to distribute kits, blankets and other material aid and to assist the coordination of local faith-based, community relief and recovery efforts. CWS has a second and similar appeal to support relief and recovery efforts in the hurricane-stricken Caribbean. Texas Disciple and CWS staffer, Don Tatlock, is coordinating the delivery of relief aid to partners in Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Cuba.

Urgent Need for Donations

Your help is needed. Prayers of solidarity and concern for hurricane survivors are important, especially as so much of the news is dominated by news from Wall Street and the election trail. Designated gifts to WOC are needed and can be made online by clicking on the link below or sent to WOC, attn: Elaine Cleveland, P.O. Box 1986, Indpls, IN 46206. Church World Service has issued an urgent appeal for kits, especially hygiene and baby kits, clean-up buckets and blankets. Volunteer work groups are needed. The Disciples Mission Station at First CC, Lake Charles, LA, is ready to receive groups. Office of Disciples Volunteering Director Carl Zerweck will be in the area next week to assess our mission station at Pt. Arthur/Beaumont and to look at possibilities for a new station(s) in the Houston area. ODV has information and is scheduling groups for trips now for another November Habitat Build in Beaumont and for Phase II of the Disciples Hurricane Recovery Initiative through December 31, 2009.

Donate to Week of Compassion

Thursday, September 11, 2008

From the DOC Lectionary Blog

When I was in college I was part of the Baptist college fellowship. Every so often, we had communion.

I really dreaded communion.


Seeking God's Solace on 9-11

A prayer by the Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon, General Secretary, National Council of Churches USA

New York, September 11, 2008 -- National Council of Churches General Secretary Michael Kinnamon offers this prayer of remembrance on the anniversary of a day of horror and tears:

Gracious God of all creation:
On this day, we remember our neighbors, of different nations and backgrounds, who died in the attacks we simply call 9-11.

Hear our prayers for their loved ones. May they know the comfort that comes from knowledge and love of you.

May they be surrounded by communities that care for them, even as you continue to care for this fragile and suffering world.

God, we confess that we cannot make sense of the violence inflicted by your children on one another. But even more than understanding, we ask for the strength to be peacemakers, servants of your will for reconciliation.

It has been seven years since the senseless attacks, but we are still in pain. Give us the courage, God, to work for the day when hatred and violence will cease.

Help us to be those who break cycles of retribution, even as we advocate for justice with bold persistence.

Help us to work for that time, envisioned by the prophet, when no infant dies needlessly, when no one labors in vain or bears children for calamity, when even wolf and lamb feed together and no one hurts or destroys your holy creation.

God, be our strength, and may we feel your loving touch today and always.


Michael Kinnamon
General Secretary

National Council of Churches

Kinnamon is an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Regional Assembly Registration Packet Now Online

Below is a link to the 2008 Regional Assembly Registration Packet. It includes 3 promotional materials for churches: 2 posters, and a bulletin insert. Godspeed. 2008 Regional Assembly Packet:

Monday, September 8, 2008

What you Can Contribute to the "Blessing"

The Christian Church in the Upper Midwest is inviting each congregation to bring a physical item or symbol that will be displayed as part of the Assembly Worship Center. The item needs to clearly represent the gift your congregation contributes to your community or the world. You will also need to provide a one sentence explanation of the item to be read by the Assembly Narrator during the opening worship while someone from the congregation brings the item to the front of the sanctuary.

We will need your brief one sentence description of the item, along with its approximate dimensions for placement and order in the procession to the front of the sanctuary.

Your sentence and written description will need to be provided by September 29, 2008. Send this information to Rev. Carla Nelson at 641-451-0383 or e-mail her at

Speakers Chosen for Regional Assembly

The following people have been asked to speak at the Regional Assembly on October 11:

  • John Claussen-Minister, Park Ave Christian, Des Moines, IA
  • Sara Galindo-Minister, First Christian, Laurens, IA
  • Richard Guentert-Regional Minister, Upper Midwest, Des Moines, IA
  • Joy Linn-Minister, Spirit of Joy Christian, Lakeville, MN
  • Bill Mitchell-Minister, First Christian, Keokuk, IA
  • Karen Moore-Intentional Interim, Mt. Ayr Christian, Mt. Ayr, IA
  • Allison Robuck-Former Co-Minister, First Christian, Minneapolis, MN
  • Larry Squire-Minister, Waukee Christian, Waukee, IA
  • Paul Witmer-Minister, Covenant Christian, Urbandale, IA

First president of Christian Church Foundation, James R. Reed, dies at 80

From Disciples News Service:

The Christian Church Foundation has announced the death of Rev. Dr. James R. Reed, president emeritus of the Christian Church Foundation. Reed died Monday evening, September 1, in an Indianapolis hospital, where he had been admitted earlier in the day. He was 80 years old.
Reed was the first president of the Christian Church Foundation and served as the dynamic force behind its ministry from 1964 until retiring in 1991. A visionary leader and passionate about the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in all of its manifestations, Reed was committed to excellence and integrity.

"[Reed] cared about people - traits that today remain key to the Foundation's DNA," said Gary Kidwell, current president of the Christian Church Foundation, in an e-mail sent to the Disciples community announcing Reed's death.

Services for Reed will be held September 5 at Downey Avenue Christian Church in Indianapolis. Memorials should be made payable to the Christian Church Foundation and noted for the James R. and Lucille B. Reed Fund.

A more extensive article was written by DisciplesWorld magazine and can be found here. Reed was the stepfather of Bob Brite, Interim Pastor of First Christian Church in Minneapolis, MN.

Mission Alignment Coordinating Council Holds Its Second Meeting

From Disciples News Service:

(Indianapolis, Ind. - DNS - Sept. 5, 2008) - The Mission Alignment Coordinating Council (MACC) met in Indianapolis this week and engaged in prayer, worshipful work and dialogue. The 12-member council spent time reviewing church-wide response to a working document it developed which is aimed at better aligning the ministries of the Church around its stated mission.
The MACC, which is comprised of Disciples lay and clergy leaders, met from Sept. 2-4. It was created earlier this year at the request of the 2008 General Board. At its April meeting, the Board approved the framework for a Plan of Mission Alignment and asked that the MACC be put in place to develop that plan. The General Board also asked the Moderator of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the General Minister and President to appoint MACC members.

Continue reading...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Registration for 2009 General Assembly Now Open

"...For the Healing of the Nations" is the theme for the 2009 General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to be held in Indianapolis. The website for General Assembly is now open with information on the event, promotional materials, online registration and how plans to make this Assembly a "green" gathering.

Click here to find out more and to take a gander at the new Disciples website.

International Christian Youth Fellowship Draws Several Hundred Youth

From Disciples News Service:

Hundreds of youths gathered at Chapman University in Orange, Calif., July 24-27 for the International Christian Youth Fellowship (ICYF). Every four years, Disciples high school youth come together for worship, fun, mission work and leisure activities. More than 750 attended the opening worship service on July 24. Before that, at least 450 engaged in mission work beginning July 20. They fixed up transitional housing, labored in food warehouses in Orange, Calif., and constructed new homes.


Christian Education Newsletter Available

The latest issue of the RCC (Resource Center for Churches) Newletter has been mailed to those who wish to have paper copies. A link to an electronic copy has been placed on page one of our web site: This copy and older copies can be seen in our website subsection Newsletter.

Please take a moment to check out the newsletter. It is full of information about programming resources for youth and adults. Of course the resources listed are only a portion of what we have available. See the Catalog also on the RCC Website.

Power and Boundary Training Available in Minnesota

We are pleased to inform you that three MCC (Minnesota Council of Churches) Power and Boundaries trainings are scheduled for fall 2008. Please note that the trainings are from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. The first training is in Brooklyn Center on Wed., October 8. The second training is on Thurs., October 30 in Moorhead and the third training is on Thurs., November 13 in Rochester. Click here for the registration form.

Please note the registration due dates below. Because the trainings are contingent on registration (a minimum of 23 people is required), a training will be cancelled if 23 registrations have not been received by the MCC registration deadline. Fees will be refunded or applied to a subsequent training.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008, at St. Alphonsus Catholic Church, 7025 Halifax Ave. N., Brooklyn Center 55429 (early bird registrations due in MCC office by September 24) (all registrations to MCC any time before October 1)

Thursday, October 30, 2008, at Trinity Lutheran Church, 210 S 7th St., Moorhead, MN 56560 (early bird registrations due in MCC office October 4) (all registrations to MCC anytime before October 9)

Thursday, November 13, 2008, at Christ United Methodist Church, Rochester, MN 56001 (early bird registrations due in MCC office by October 30) (all registrations to MCC any time before November 6)

Rev. Susan Richey Nienaber and Nancy Biele will lead these trainings using lecture, films and discussion. The training includes:

· theological, sociological and psychological context

· power and gender issues in the pastoral role

· appropriate boundaries in the pastoral role

· prevention: vulnerability, and self-care

· implications to clergy of Minnesota criminal and civil laws

Although the cost of Power and Boundaries training per participant could be as much as $197, the early bird registration fee is $150 (early bird registration must be received 2 weeks before the training). Registration fees received after the early bird deadline are a minimum of $175.

· Clergy registering and paying fees independently - send directly to the Minnesota Council of Churches.

Power and Boundaries training is sponsored by the Minnesota Council of Churches’ Committee to End Sexual Misconduct in the Religious Community. The committee is composed of denominational representatives or representative staff who deal with clergy sexual misconduct cases and related issues, who are on, or are invited to be on the committee by virtue of their position in each denomination.