Thursday, September 25, 2008

Faith on Tap: UCC/Disciples Young Adult Fellowship Group

Dear Fellowship members,

All who attended last weeks gathering submitted a faith question. We tossed them in a hat and pulled out a discussion question for this week. This weeks discussion question is:

What is the value of selecting one faith doctrine/cannon instead of many? Why do we only study the bible?...especially as a church with an emphasis on accepting and understanding multiple viewpoints?

And just for fun: If Jesus and Buddha got in a fight, who would win?

Last weeks discussion was very rich...I'm looking forward to this week. Same place, same time: Common Roots CAFE, Thursday (Sept. 25th) 7:00pm.

Any questions please call or e-mail.

In Christ's Body, Amy Wick Moore 651-645-3765
Amy is a UCC member in Minnesota that heads up Come Thirsty, a gathering of UCC and Disciples 20 and 30 somethings. Shane Isaac, pastor of Plymouth Creek Christian Church in Plymouth, MN and Dennis Sanders, a Twin Cities-based Disciples pastor are also involved in this venture.

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