Saturday, May 31, 2008

Fall Women's Retreat in Minnesota

Christian Church in the Upper Midwest
2008 Women’s Fall Retreat

Life’s Circles
September 26-28
Koronis Ministries and Conference and Retreat Center, Paynesville, Minnesota

Wende Bristow-Barrett, Leader
Gail Thiessen, Chaplain
God’s BroadBand, Music
Karin Pettijohn & Janet Lott, Coordinators

Registration forms available at the church office,
or online at

Camp Counselors: Help Still Needed

From Associate Regional Minister Bill Spangler-Dunning:

I am looking for only a 3 counselors in June... Its amazing we have over
100 counselors so far but I really need 1 male for each Chi Rho camp in
June. If you know of someone who could help please send them our way...
June 8-14, June 15-21 and June 22-28. Im also looking for 2 female
counselors for our equestrian camp on July 21-26th...

Email soon or call my cell at 515 577 9050.

Concerning Relief and Response in Parkersburg

From Regional Minister Richard Guentert:

The following information is forwarded from Rev. Brent Cantrell of Central Christian Church in Waterloo. (SEE BELOW)

Also, be reminded that monetary donations can be funneled through Week of Compassion and specificed for Parkersburg, IA Relief. (We've already received the first monies for that purpose from Washington Christian Church.

Dr. Richard Guentert

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

News on the situation in Parkersburg…


I believe a Daily Newsletter will be published. They are trying hard to keep communication as clear as possible.

RADIO: A special frequency is set up for Butler, I believe its 530AM.


All volunteer efforts are being coordinated by the Butler Sheriff's Office 319-267-9111. They will assign projects. When you come into town, go to the United Methodist Church, located just north of the blue water tower on Florence Street. All volunteers are to log in with the Sheriff's Office (they are great guys). FEMA keeps track of hours, and this affects some funding. Logging in helps the town!

(Rev. Betsy Piette is pastor of UMC. She lost her home and all her belonging in the tornado, and is doing a great job of hosting the thousands of volunteers being funneled through her church—the church sustained damage…but miraculously survived in the midst of devastation all

around! The church is just east of the highschool, and north of the highschool.)

Volunteers--be as self-sufficient as possible. Bring first-aid kit, wear boots, gloves, bring supplies. Food is available at AMVETS, but you may want to have your own cooler and snacks as there can often be lines (that move quickly…but they are still lines.)


All churches will be having their services in their sanctuaries this Sunday! Please be praying for them.


Northeast Food Bank is putting together food boxes at Waterloo and then they are being distributed in town. This will be non-perishables.

More to be coordinated, and I'm sure will be in place by Friday as far as food donations. Watch website and TV for more information! Barbara Prather is Executive Director of NE Food Bank. HELP will be needed to man the food pantry once it is in place.


All residents need to register with FEMA 1-800-621-3362. (7am-7pm CT) Pastors who receive their packets should fill out the small business forms for themselves too (yes, really) Everyone should register...sometimes damage doesn't emerge till after the deadline has passed.


Shelter is located at the middle school. If volunteers wish to stay overnite they need to coordinate it with the school 319-347-6621.


Grief counselors can contact the school, 319-347-6621


Meals are being served at Amvets. This is a central location. If you like cooking, point that out when you call the Butler Co at 319-267-9111.


Meals, snacks, water, sodas. FEMA office is located here. Outside a place people can charge cell phones. A good place to go to make connections—along with the Sheriff’s table at the United Methodist Church north of the water tower.


At present they are asking for no clothes (there are already plenty of donations). There may be a need for new underwear (in packaging), hygiene items, socks. Watch for appeals on TV or website.


Those 60 or older may receive help from Hawkeye Valley that will help with rental deposits, grocery vouchers, insurance deductibles.

TORNADO FUND - A foundation has been set up through Lincoln State Bank, Any donations to "Tornado Fund" will be used to help the town.


This is the biggest issue right now... once a resident has cleared his/her property of personal items and hazardous waste, he/she can put a stake in the front yard that says removal is ok.

A WAY TO HELP. Removal takes place from the front...and residents need help getting things up and out!!! You will need the right equipment, gloves, and trucks. (Like I need to tell you this!) Residents have total permission to remove debris if they find people to help. Look at the website to see the hazardous waste and debris guidelines (

THURSDAY we sent volunteers home, it was unsafe to operate machinery, and there was shifting in some of the walls with the rain. This was decided and coordinated by Butler County.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Recent Tornadoes Have Tragic Effect on Disciples Families

From Week of Compassion:

"WOC continues to respond to numerous requests from local Disciples congregations whose members have been affected by the rash of deadly and damaging tornadoes that have struck scores of communities across the country over the past several weeks – most recently to First CC, Windsor, CO, where a family suffered major damage to their home and farm, and to Lake Harriet CC, Minneapolis, MN, where members lost their young grandson in the tornado that struck near the Twin Cities this weekend. As an expression of the whole church’s concern, WOC has provided solidarity grants to assist these congregations as they respond to their families who must deal with the loss of loved ones, homes and livelihoods following the tornadoes."

The Minneapolis Star-Tribune has the latest update on the Prindle Family.

From the DOC Lectionary Blog

He stood looking at the large wooden door. The last time he had been on the other side of that door was a year ago. But the world that he knew on the other side of that door was gone. Gone. His home, his neighbors, and his favorite shady spot by the tree he had planted…all gone. How many times had he walked by the large wooden door, wondering when it would open; when he could walk out and smell the fresh air again; when he could put his feet firmly on land? There had been no time table, no scheduled release. He had no idea when the door would open, or what would be waiting for him on the other side. He had built the door, but he was not the one who shut it. And he could not open it. That was up to God. So Noah stood looking at the large wooden door. Waiting.

Read more of "The Door" by Pastor John.

Note: The DOC Lectionary Blog (started by Associate Regional Minister Bill Spangler-Dunning)is a place where people discuss the weekly lectionary texts. Several bloggers take a text each week and pen (or in this case, type) their reflections as a discussion starter. We hope you will take a peek and start chatting with others about the biblical texts.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Parish Paper Now Online

The Parish Paper, a monthly publication that used to be included in the old weekly mailings, is now available for download at the CCUM website. The Parish Paper offers ideas and insights for active congregations. Edited by Herb Miller, Lyle Schaller and Cynthia Woolever, this journal is available to all Christian Church in the Upper Midwest church members and clergy to use within their ministry. You are invited to include items from The Parish Paper in your newsletters and on your website or webpage. You may also reprint items and send to others through email or the U.S. mail.

To download, go to the homepage and click "Resources" from the hotmenu. On the left hand side of the Resources page, you will see a link that says, "Parish Paper." That will take you to the page with the latest issues.

We hope you will enjoy this new resource.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Need Your Help With Counselors

From Associate Regional Minister Bill Spangler-Dunning:

Camp season is coming up shortly and we need counselors for several weeks...

Without counselors we cannot host all of our campers...

You can help... these are the weeks we need...

Need Camp #
1 Male 15
3 Females 17
1 Male 4
1 Male 5
1 Male 6
1 Male 7
1 Male 8
1 Male/1Female 9

Go to to see dates....

Please call me at 515 577 9050 as soon as you can... Camp 7 and 15 are
coming up soon.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Tragic Loss

From Associate Regional Minister, Don Hiscox:

There has been a most tragic loss in the extended Disciples of Christ family, as reported to us by Tammy Rottschaefer, Minister of Spiritual Formation at Lake Harriet Christian Church in Minneapolis, MN. Please see her note below, and please hold this entire family in your thoughts and prayers.

In the aftermath of the tornado in Hugo MN last evening (5/25), Bob and Barb Rhea called and requested prayers for their daughter Christy (facial injuries...treated and released though remaining at hospital with Jerry and Annika), son-in-law Jerry (hospitalized with a broken femur), injured 4-year-old granddaughter Annika, and upon the loss of life of their 2-year-old grandson Nathaniel.

Christy, Jerry, and 4-year-old Annika were taken to Regions Hospital (Annika is the child referred to as six years old in the Star Tribune newspaper.)

At this time, Bob and Barb simply ask for prayers for Christy, Jerry, and Annika in recovery, and prayers for the entire family in the great sadness at the loss of little Nate.

God of mercy, touch the unspeakable pain of this day for Bob and Barb's family with your abiding presence in life and death.

Enfold the days of healing and grief yet to come with your abiding presence. Hear the prayers of people for this family....

Held together in prayer,
Tammy Rottschaefer
Lake Harriet Christian Church

Note: A full account of the tornado in Hugo, MN can be found at the Minneapolis Star-Tribune website.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

United Seminary Offers Courses in Spirituality and the Arts

United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities
Summer Institute in Spirituality and the Arts
Explorations in Creativity, Worship, and Faith

June 9-13, 2008

Do something creative this summer!

Morning WorkshopS
1) Music and the Arts: The Starting Point for Worship Design – Art Clyde
2) Transformation & the Story: A Writing Workshop – Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew

Afternoon WorkshopS
3) Sacred Time: Living in the Rhythms of Nature and the Liturgical Year – Robin Jensen
4) Spirituality of Icons – Debra Korluka

$270.00 for full-day attendance. Half-day attendance is $195.00.

SPECIAL!!!! Mention this e-mail by Friday, May 23, and pay the early registration rates of $220 (full day) or $170 (half day). Call 651.255.6138 for this special offering.

For more details, visit our Web site:

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Wanted: Minister of Faith and Giving

From Disciples News Service:

Office of the General Minister and President Announces New Minister of Faith and Giving Position

(Indianapolis, Ind. - DNS - May 20, 2008) - The Office of the General Minister and President is seeking a Minister of Faith and Giving who will lead the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in creating a stewardship movement and a culture of generosity. The Minister of Faith and Giving will work with regional and general ministry partners to create culturally diverse resources for congregations related to giving, annual stewardship campaigns, personal wealth management, and congregational financial management.

To read the full ministry description, please visit: (PDF)

Interested candidates can contact Dr. Todd Adams, Associate General Minister and Vice President at 317-713-2414 or Resumes must be received by July 10, 2008. Please submit resumes to:

Dr. Todd Adams
c/o Office of the General Minister and President
130 E. Washington St.
Indianapolis, IN 46204

May Infopak Now Online

The May edition of Infopak.doc is now online.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Reasons to keep reaching for campers

Camp registrations continue to flow into the Conference Center and confirmation letters will soon be arriving at campers homes...I am still moved to encourage you all to reach out further to families in your ministry area who might need a week of camp...I was reminded by a pastor why providing the opportunity for a family (members or not) to send their children to camp can be part of a congregations journey to transform!

1. It creates an experience in which the family sees the church as providing deep Good News that they can reach out and touch and know it is good. It creates a desire to be part of such a ministry that DOES transform lives...

2. This act of outreach can help focus a congregation on a shared ministry together and can help transform a whole congregation by giving them a purpose as CHURCH.

3. If it helps, others have given to the Disciples Together Scholarship Fund to makes sure that everyone can go to camp so please call and check in with us about this additional way of reaching further out into our communities for campers... 641 792 1266.

As for me, another reason why I will also encourage all to reach out for that last camper is because I was that camper years ago and I am forever thankful for that act of ministry on the part of my church, ministers and members.

I recently wrote in my blog about yet another reason why I will always send you these kinds of emails until we have found every last person who might find sanctuary on this particular Holy Ground....

Blessing to you all! BSD

PS: Some camps are full so please check the camp page

First Christian in Spencer, IA Highlighted in Disciples News Service

From Disciples News Service:

(May 6, 2008 – Spencer, Iowa) - Just a short while ago the congregation realized their need to make a better effort for outreach and evangelism in their community. After watching food prices dramatically increase, and after learning from their local school district that as many as 42 percent of students were on free and reduced lunches, they decided that Angel Food Ministries was right for them.

Angel Food Ministries is a nearly-nationwide ministry based out of Monroe, Ga., which partners with local congregations to provide a low-cost food ministry for their communities. Each month people have the opportunity to buy a box of groceries for $30, groceries which would ordinarily cost more than double that amount at the store.

This ministry provides a way to meet the needs of the community, get people in the doors of the church, build relationships, and creates opportunities to share the gospel. Additionally, for each unit of food sold, the church receives one dollar for their local outreach fund. In their first month, First Christian Church of Spencer impacted the lives of 146 different households from theirs and surrounding communities.

Additionally, a Lutheran congregation in Terril, Iowa and an Assembly of God congregation in
Sioux Falls, S.D., partnered with them to bring this ministry to their communities, too.

Altogether the three congregations sold 403 units of food this month, with Spencer contributing 344.

Pastor Dan Mayes shared his praise for this ministry, saying, “We’re so excited about what God is doing here! Obviously, a great need is being met through this ministry and we anticipate that it will continue to grow. And we pray that it will provide us with many opportunities to share the good news of God’s love with many more people.” To learn more about how your own congregation can be a blessing through Angel Food Ministries visit

Written by Pastor Dan Mayes
First Christian Church
PO Box 1440
Spencer, Iowa 51301

Highlights from the General Board Meeting

The General Board of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) met April 12-15, 2008 in Indianapolis. You can read what went on and how it affects our future as a denomination by going to the General Board website.

You can read the report of the Christian Church in the Upper Midwest to the General Board by going here.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Cyclones, Tornadoes and Earthquakes: How You Can Help

It seems like we are inundated with disasters.
There is the aftermath of tornados here in the U.S.
There is the earthquake near Chengdu, China
(where both the Searles and the Guenterts recently were) There is
the devastation from the catastrophe in Myanmar.
The list goes on.

Certainly there will be people who want to know how they can help

Allow me to remind us all that Week of Compassion is the arm of the
church that is there to respond to each of these kind of calamities.

Won't you please tell the folk you serve about this avenue of aid and
assistance. Week of Compassion is the most responsible and trusted
agency I know to deliver a compassionate response without the overhead
other agencies expend. All monies from WOC are also distributed through
the religious organizations in that geography. So the stewardship of
gifts is not overseen by political or governmental agencies.

Immediate and generous response is needed by the Christian community. As
church leaders you can help inform and motivate people to make a timely

Won't you please see that this word is delivered through newsletters,
worship bulletins, e-mails, word of mouth, in every meeting of the
church, and from the pulpit.

And then ask everyone you can to be in prayer.

Thanks for any and all the assistance you can give to generating a
charitable Christian response.

Pentecost blessings,

Dr. Richard Guentert

Update from the Searles

The message below was received today (5-12-08) from Doug and Liz Searles, missionary partners with the Upper Midwest Region. They recently completed a seven year term of service with Global Ministries, in Sichuan Province, China, the site of today's earthquake.

As we're all learning today, the 7.9 earthquake in Sichuan province has devasted schools--some of them in areas where our former students now teach. Wenchuan, in Beiyuan county, has been hard hit. We have visited there many times and are very concerned about events.

Of course it's not possible to get through on the internet or phone at
present. Further, it can be thoughtless to ask friends in the area to
give us a report. News is carefully handled and people who report it
may suffer consequences.

So we're doing the best we can learning from the news reports and on the internet.

Please continue to hold up in prayer the many many communities that are suffering today throughout the world - - in Sihuan province, in Tibet, in Myanmar, in Gaza, in Lebanon, and in the southern and southwest U.S.

Disaster relief is always slow in coming, but it's slower where money is tight or governments are reluctant to help.

Our hearts were heavy with the news of troubles in the Tibetan areas
west of where we were stationed. This recent natural disaster compounds the difficulties this very poor province must face.

On a personal note, thank you, friends, for your faithfulness and continuing relationship with us. We are leaving the U.S. August 1 to begin our new assignment serving a three year term with the Evangelical Reformed Church in Lodz, Poland. This is a joint appointment of the Common Global Ministries Board of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ, and the Presbyterian Church (USA). We will serve as mission workers for church growth and outreach.

As you might imagine, we have lots of logistics, language study, church visits in the NW, and family visits between now and then.

Your prayers are the most important gift you can give us at the moment.

Peace in the midst of all storms!

Liz & Doug Searles
(enroute to Lodz, Poland)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Counselors Greatly Needed; 40th Anniversary Celebration of CCC

Counselors Greatly needed: Please consider counseling this summer. See

40th Anniversary and Celebration Party at the Christian Conference Center (McCague Memorial Grounds) an overwhelming success

More than 250 people came out to celebrate this historic and exciting moment in the life of the Christian Conference Center on April 25th. On that one day there were no fewer than 8 decades of camping represented. Sitting together in the outdoor chapel, individuals who first dreamed and funded the original establishment of this holy ground to the most recent generation making their way through Jr Camps, shared stories of why we do this ministry together! Thank you for all the ministry we do together!

Pictures (See pictures of the celebration)

Camp Picture Arcade (See pictures of campers stretching back to 1925)

Wish list ( Many projects have already been adopted in full or in part)

New Tradition: We established a new tradition for camp at the 40th birthday. We already give counselors who serve 5 years a blue/green jacket and for 10 years a maroon jacket. Now for those who serve for 20 or more years we now give a black jacket. Look for all these jackets throughout the region. Take time to ask them to tell you stories about camp.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Week of Compassion Appeal for Bruma

From Week of Compassion:

Death Toll Swells in Myanmar
Thursday, May 8, A.D. 2008
With the humanitarian tragedy in Myanmar (Burma) worsening by the hour following Saturday’s devastating Cyclone Nargis, some officials, including Shari Villerosa, the top U.S. diplomat in the country, fear the death toll may exceed 100,000. At least one million people have been left homeless. Massive destruction, destroyed transportation and communications infrastructure, and initial intransigence from the ruling regime have hampered initial relief responses. However, yesterday the UN and India were able to dispatch relief supplies by air.
Church aid organizations are urgently putting relief operations in place. Tomorrow Marvin Parvez, Acting Asia/Pacific Regional Coordinator for Church World Service, will arrive in Myanmar to coordinate CWS’ response. CWS and other Action by Churches Together (ACT) members, including Christian Aid of the UK, Norwegian Church Aid, Danchurchaid and others, have active local partner networks in the country. Parvez noted that "in global disaster response work, local partners know best where assistance is needed and always have more effective response networks.”

CWS’ initial appeal of $50,000 was surpassed in one day (including a $6000 grant from Week of Compassion/Disciples), and the appeal will soon be expanded significantly to address the enormous scope of relief aid that is needed for survivors. Parvez said “CWS’ initial response is focused on food and then shelter. Water purification tablets, plastic sheeting, basic medical kits, bed nets and other basic relief items are urgently needed.”

Week of Compassion has now provided two emergency grants – one for $6000 to the initial CWS appeal and one for $5000 to the Southern Asia Office of Global Ministries - to support the response of the Myanmar Council of Churches. WOC is anticipating a very large appeal from CWS/ACT within the next week and will rely greatly upon designated gifts from our congregations, members and friends to help ensure a strong response from Disciples. Online gifts may be made by clicking here or sent to WOC, attn: Elaine Cleveland, P.O. Box 1986, Indianapolis, IN. 46206. WOC will continue to provide information on the unfolding situation in Myanmar as well as the developing responses of our church partners on the ground.

From the Disciples Regional Prayer Calendar, May 11, 2008

Please keep the following churches and Regions in your prayers this Sunday:

  • First Christian Church, Albia, Iowa
  • Bethel Christian Church, Eddyville, Iowa
  • Woodward Christian Church, Woodward, Iowa
  • Christian Church in Michigan

Download the Regional Prayer Calendar

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Global Ministries Update-May 8, 2008

Disciples and UCC… together in God’s global mission - Visit us at:

Please download the MONTHLY MISSION STORY for your church bulletin/newsletter:
May 2008: pdf or text only or espanol

To download the WEEKLY PRAYER for Sunday worship, click here: Japan

Are you coming to Missionworks/MMI in Cleveland October 2-5, 2008? Missionworks/MMI

Looking for a special project for VBS this summer? Click here: VBS

Myanmar Struck by Tropical Cyclone Nargis
Thousands of people have been killed or are missing in Burma as Tropical Cyclone Nargis pushed ashore over the weekend. The General Secretary of the Myanmar Council of Churches, Global Ministries partner, reports communication abilities throughout Burma have been compromised. Immediate relief operations are underway through Church World Service with a comprehensive assessment on-going. Global Ministries Southern Asia Office and the CWS Asia Regional Office are in direct contact with the Myanmar Council of Churches. An immediate grant of $5,000 from the UCC One Great Hour of Sharing/International Emergency fund is being wired. Week of Compassion has sent an initial grant of $6000 from the Response Fund to support the CWS appeal and will be providing additional funds as soon as the appeal is revised.
To read about what you can do to respond to this tragedy, click here: Respond to Myanmar Tragedy
To learn more about Global Ministries involvement in Myanmar, click here: Myanmar

UCC Leaders Visit GM Partners in Chile and Argentina
John Thomas, General Minister and President of the UCC, and Lydia Veliko, Minister of Ecumenical Relations, accompanied Felix Ortiz, GM Latin America and Caribbean Area Executive to Chile and Argentina. In Chile the group met with leaders from the Pentecostal Church of Chile (IPL) and visited the Shalom Center where GM Missionary, Elena Huegel and Long-term Volunteer, John Wallace serve. They also traveled to Argentina where they had an opportunity to spend time with members of the Evangelical Congregational Church of Argentina and the Evangelical Church of the Disciples of Christ of Argentina. More stories of their visit to come…

Bishop Gomez of the Lutheran Synod of El Salvador to Speak in Indianapolis
Bishop Medardo Gomez-Soto, 63, has fought for peace and justice in El Salvador for more than twenty-five years. As the head of the Lutheran Synod of El Salvador, a GM partner, Bishop Gomez has long believed that service and advocacy on behalf of the poor are fundamental to the Church’s mission. In El Salvador, a country whose twelve-year civil war claimed an estimated 75,000 lives, speaking out in opposition to the government can be a serious crime. Nevertheless, Bishop Gomez has continued to fight for basic human rights in his country despite threats made against his family, the bombing of his church, and his own capture and imprisonment. Bishop Gomez will speak at a Disciples Center luncheon on Thursday May 15 and also at Christian Theological Seminary at 7pm that evening. He will also preach at Central Christian Church in Indianapolis on Sunday May 18 at 10:30am. For more information contact India Farley at

Disciples in Congo Share the Latest Edition of their Special Information Bulletin
Rev. Eliki Bonanga, the Community President and Legal Representative of the Disciples in the DRC share in his editorial some thoughts on partnership: “The churches, formerly supported by the missions, have Christians who must be responsible for themselves, as were those who financed the missions. However that doesn't mean that the relationships between the churches of Europe and America and those of Africa are broken. A new era opens, the era of partnership, in which each church brings something which can be of help to the other…” To read the entire newsletter, click here: Disciples in DRC

GM Personnel in Turkey Assist Migrants and Refugees
Ken and Betty Frank write: “As we looked around the meeting table, we saw that we were an unusual group. In terms of religious background we were Roman Catholic, Protestant, Greek Orthodox, Syrian Orthodox, Armenian, Orthodox, and Muslim. In terms of nationalities we were American, Turkish, German, Austrian, New Zealander, and Australian. We were all gathered for one purpose: to serve the needs of the poorest and most marginalized people stranded in Istanbul, people striving to get to somewhere where their lives could be better. We coordinate various programs of assistance to refugees and migrants, people in Turkey without documents and living on the edge. We represent the various parishes and groups of Istanbul who unite in this critical service to those in need of food, clothing, and hope…” To read the complete story, click here: Turkey

If someone forwarded this e-mail to you and you would like to receive directly to your inbox these weekly Global Ministries updates, please send your name, e-mail address, physical address, phone number, and home church to:

Find a Missionary Visit in your State: (new visit added this week!)

IA: May 1 to June 30, 2008, Linda and Bruce Hanson (The Christian Development Commission (CCD) and The Theological Community of Honduras (CTEH) Contact: Selva Lehman

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Scholarships for Camp

Camp forms are coming in at a good clip and many have already sent in most
of their campers but I have special request...

When I was a youth growing up at Davis Street Christian Church I remember a
year or two that money was tight at home. Perhaps this was most years but
if individuals from the church would not have made that extra effort to
talk to me or catch me at church or just call and insist that I go to camp I
firmly believe I might not have gone. If I had not gone its possible that
I would never have ended up in the ministry I do now. Please take a close
look at who is going to camp from your church and who is not... Make that
extra call for their sake and for the churches sake...

Everyone deserves a week of Church Camp... We have just received an
additional 1500 for the Disciples Together Scholarship fund to help youth
go to camp! So again please seek out that one or two last
campers. Together lets make sure everyone goes to camp!

Bill Spangler-Dunning

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

From the DOC Lectionary Blog

Did you know that the Christian Church in the Upper Midwest has a lectionary resource? Associate Regional Minister, Bill Spangler Dunning has created the DOC Lectionary Blog where several bloggers reflect on the lectionary texts for the coming week and readers have a chance to comment and share their reflections. Here is a sample of what Bill wrote concerning Pentecost and Mother's Day based on text from Acts:

"...though I did not set out to link mothers day and Pentecost, it seems if I were going to do this what I would do is talk about my mother and how she and others have been the one who stood up and raised her voice and guided me through those potentially confusing moments of life.

I have writen a story about everyone else in the family but my mother. Im not sure why I have been unable to catch my mothers presence in my life in a paragraph of letters and words. Everytime I sit down to write something about her I seem to fall short with just the right emphasis that tells my soul that 'Yes, this is my mother.' "

Find out what else Bill has to say by going to the blog.

News from Disciples Women Unit

Greetings and Blessings to you all from the Disciples Womens Unit!

We are very excited and have and continue to have great things in store for ALL the Disciples Women in the Upper Midwest!

Have you checked out our web page lately? Just click on the DW Ministries icon and get the latest news from around the region about what's up and coming!

***New to the page is the video for the Fall Retreat which is September 26-28th in Paynesville Minnesota. Please check it out!!! This video segment will give you a taste of what a great experience the retreat is. If you have ever wondered what Disciple Women do in the woods ...this will give you a hint! If you have been sitting on the fence wondering if the retreat experience is for you....YES it is ... and this should answer some questions for you!

Also able to answer questions for you are the Cluster Representatives for the DW Unit. Our names and email addresses are at the bottom of the page under the Roster section. If you don't know what your cluster is or who to contact you can always direct your questions to me and I will answer them and/or route you to your representative!

As always, the Unit wants to help ALL women reach their fullest please let us know what you would like to see done in the region! We are waiting to hear from you!

Thanks again,
Wende Barrett
Cluster 7 Representative