Friday, May 16, 2008

Reasons to keep reaching for campers

Camp registrations continue to flow into the Conference Center and confirmation letters will soon be arriving at campers homes...I am still moved to encourage you all to reach out further to families in your ministry area who might need a week of camp...I was reminded by a pastor why providing the opportunity for a family (members or not) to send their children to camp can be part of a congregations journey to transform!

1. It creates an experience in which the family sees the church as providing deep Good News that they can reach out and touch and know it is good. It creates a desire to be part of such a ministry that DOES transform lives...

2. This act of outreach can help focus a congregation on a shared ministry together and can help transform a whole congregation by giving them a purpose as CHURCH.

3. If it helps, others have given to the Disciples Together Scholarship Fund to makes sure that everyone can go to camp so please call and check in with us about this additional way of reaching further out into our communities for campers... 641 792 1266.

As for me, another reason why I will also encourage all to reach out for that last camper is because I was that camper years ago and I am forever thankful for that act of ministry on the part of my church, ministers and members.

I recently wrote in my blog about yet another reason why I will always send you these kinds of emails until we have found every last person who might find sanctuary on this particular Holy Ground....

Blessing to you all! BSD

PS: Some camps are full so please check the camp page

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