Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Resources for 2009 Week of Compassion Offering Now Online

Where is Your Treasure, is the theme for the 2009 Week of Compassion Offering. Week of Compassion has several materials available to help you and your congregation promote this important offering which goes to help those dealing with poverty, hunger and disaster both here and around the world. To access the Leaders Guide, go to this link.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Church Start Near Dubuque Has New Website

Peosta Worship Center, a new church start has now has a website for their congregation:

General Assembly Update

The General Assembly is for all Disciples. You can help promote the upcoming General Assembly in a variety of ways. Various Assembly promotional materials, including a press release, Indianapolis tourism details, and downloadable full- and half-page color ads are available for use in newsletters, church bulletins and on web sites. The material can be found under "Promotion Material" at the General Assembly website:


Are you looking for cost-saving ways to attend the 2009 General Assembly? One of the best means of stretching your GA dollar is to take advantage of early registration discounts that extend through January 31, 2009. Adults who register before the January deadline can save $25 off the full Assembly registration cost. Discounts also are available for youth, young adults, seminarians and Indiana (host) registrants. Check out for more information.Remember that registration is not required for pre-school and school age children. However, parents can register their children online to participate in age-appropriate programming, such as arts and crafts, children's worship and field trips and pay only $80 for that option.

  • Register Online - It's easy and fast. The quickest way to register for the General Assembly is online. Using the online system, you may register groups and make one payment. If you cannot complete the registration process in one sitting, online registration allows you to continue the process at a later time.
  • Fax It - You may fax your registration. To do this, first download a General Assembly registration form by visiting and clicking on the "Registration" link. Print the form and fax it to 317-713-2417. Remember to include your credit card information.
  • Mail It - Don't forget that you can still mail in registrations. To do this, you need to download and print the registration form, fill it out and mail it to 2009 General Assembly, P.O. Box 1986, Indianapolis, IN 46206. Discounted registrations must be received on or before January 31, 2009.

Please note that French, Spanish and Korean versions of the registration form will be available online in early January. These forms can be downloaded, faxed or mailed to the 2009 General Assembly address.


Activities for youth are always an important part of General Assembly. Lots of plans are underway for youth events that will invite and inspire young people to participate in all aspects of Assembly. Special room space is being designed as places where youth can hang out, relax and reflect. There also will be cool "eye openers" and "eye closers" for youth, highlighted by great speakers and a concert. Disciples youth will play a role in each worship service and participate in the all-Assembly Wholeness Café. There will be a "Shadow a Disciples Leader" program for youth, mission opportunities, plus youth-friendly Learning Tracks and Resource Groups. To learn more, go to and click on "Youth at the Assembly."

Assembly Hotels are Just Minutes from Convention Center

Thousands of quality, affordable rooms have been contracted at eight Indianapolis hotels for the 2009 General Assembly. All of the hotels are within short walking distance of the Indiana Convention Center, where nearly all Assembly events will take place. Four of the hotels are located directly across the street from the convention center, and some are connected to the center by skywalk.

Rooms range from $115 to $137, and must be reserved before June 24, 2009 to get the special Assembly rate. Housing reservations can be made online, by fax, mail or telephone. All housing requests made using the housing form will be handled by the Indianapolis Convention and Visitors Bureau. To reserve a room or get more information, visit and click on the "Housing" link.

Begin Now To Offset Your Travel Miles To General Assembly

Congregations are asked to support the Church in its efforts to green the General Assembly and help offset travel mileage to Indianapolis. Once you figure out your roundtrip mileage from your residence to Indianapolis, ask others to bank GA mileage offsets by walking, biking, carpooling or busing. For each new mile they travel through alternative means (or don't travel due to carpooling), that mile counts toward your offset. Keep track of the alternative miles traveled on a spreadsheet or post a graph in a visible location to mark the congregation's progress.

For more information, download the "Offset Your Travel To The Assembly" guide by visiting and clicking on the "Keeping it 'Green'" link.

Disciple Church Secretary to Retire After 31 Years of Service

Alice Dalager has served First Christian Church of Spencer, IA since 1977. And after 31 years of dedicated service has decided to retire at the end of January, 2009. She’s looking forward to spending more time with her husband and with her grandkids. First Christian Church will host a retirement in her honor in January.

Mrs. Dalager will be honored during the worship service on Sunday, January 25 at 10:45 am. There will be a reception in her honor following the service.

First Christian Church is a member church of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and is currently celebrating 128 years of ministry in Spencer, Iowa. Our building is located at 701 E. 18th Street in Spencer. Our mailing address is PO Box 1440, Spencer, IA, 51301. Phone: 712-262-2945

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Eve Televised Service from National Council of Churches

The following information comes to you from Dr. Richard Guentert,
Regional Minister and President:

The National Council of Churches presents a full hour-long program to be
carried on 190 CBS stations across the country on Christmas Eve, in most
areas in the same time period David Letterman us usually scheduled
(11:35 pm Eastern/10:35 Central). Thanks for helping us spread the news
of this special NCC program to those who might otherwise miss seeing it.

A 10-minute preview of the CBS Christmas Eve program can be found on
YouTube at

The NCC will run this link on the NCC website. Please share it with
colleagues, mailing lists, friends and family in your email
correspondence in upcoming days.

Blessings on your Advent.

Where is Your Treasure?

Where is your treasure?

Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21).

For God, we are treasure: “You are children of the Lord your God. ... the Lord has chosen [you] to be his people, his treasured possession” (Deuteronomy 14:1-2). One of the gifts of being God’s children is that sometimes we are called to be “treasure tenders” for God. We are invited to tend God’s treasures beyond our congregation by participating in Week of Compassion.

Life can be tough at times. Hurricanes, tornadoes and tsunamis smash communities to bits. Wars and ethnic conflicts shatter the very foundations of life, shoving people out of their homes and countries. Persistent hunger, poverty, lack of education, and ill health shrivel the life and dry the spirit. The current economic crisis right here at home leaves us all feeling a bit uncertain.

But we can do something to respond! Through Week of Compassion, we gently and effectively care for God’s treasures. By sharing some of our earthly treasure—our money, our time, our energy—decisive aid can be sent when disaster strikes. Refugees receive help as they rebuild their lives. We help people help themselves through education, health care, tools, seeds, and resources to improve community infrastructure.

And the sharing is mutual. When we care for people, we can be transformed by experiencing the presence of God. Seeing what others (or we ourselves) have lost, we are reminded what matters most in life. Seeing what others live through, we are inspired to live courageously. Seeing that new life is possible, our hope rises.

Our treasure is doing God’s will, loving God, and loving God’s treasured people, so we all “may take hold of the life that really is life” (1 Timothy 6:19b). Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21).

May you find your treasure, and your heart, by sharing resources and changing lives with a generous gift to Week of Compassion.

Please join us in sharing your treasure February 15 and 22, 2009.

Week of Compassion: Sharing Resources. Changing Lives.

(317) 713-2442

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Upper Midwest changes ministry policy to include GLBT candidates

From DisciplesWorld:

By Rebecca Bowman Woods, DisciplesWorld news editor

DES MOINES (12/6/08) — Disciples in the denomination’s Upper Midwest region are no longer barred from becoming licensed or ordained ministers if they are not heterosexual.

The region assembly on Oct. 11 voted 163-80 in favor of the change. The previous policy dates back to 1979, when the regional assembly adopted a policy prohibiting gays and lesbians from becoming ministers.

The region’s commission on ministry began studying the issues of sexual orientation and ministry several years ago, according to Patricia Adams Oberbillig, a recently retired Disciples pastor who chairs the ordination unit of the commission on ministry.

They studied scripture and theological writings pertaining to homosexuality and ministry. At some point they discovered they were dealing with two separate issues — the other having to do with Disciples’ congregational polity and the role of local churches in endorsing and supporting ministerial candidates.

“Congregations ought to be able to choose who they want to send to the ministry commission to embark on that time of formation,” said Richard Guentert, regional minister.

In June of 2007, the commission on ministry created a task group to look at 1979 resolution again, Oberbillig said.

According to the recently-adopted resolution, the 1979 policy "supersedes the congregation’s right to determine the worthiness and giftedness of potential ministerial candidates.” The resolution affirms congregations' role in recommending candidates for ministry, Guentert said.

Guentert noted that regional leaders tried to conduct the process and the vote in a way that would respect differing opinions.

In September, they held a “day of discovery” and invited every congregation to learn about proposed change and engage in a listening process. About 40 people attended, Oberbillig said.

The assembly’s vote was preceded by 48 minutes of discussion led by a trained parliamentarian, and the actual vote was taken by paper ballot, Guentert said.

While ballots were being counted, Guentert offered a pastoral word and led the assembly in prayer. “We did everything we could so that either way the vote came out, we could preserve the unity of the body of Christ,” he said.

Dennis McKee, an ordained Disciples minister serving as the chaplain at a retirement community in Bloomington, Minn., favored the policy change. “It wasn’t an open and affirming vote, but at least it took down a road block,” said McKee.

He thought the vote sent another important message: “that there is room for us to be Disciples together even if we don’t agree.”

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Disciples New Briefs

CENTER FOR PUBLIC WITNESS NAMES THREE TO ADVOCACY TEAM-The Advocacy Team of The Disciples Center for Public Witness will now benefit from the expertise of three additional Disciples. The new members are Laura Hobgood-Oster, professor of religion at Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas; Preston T. Adams III, executive minister at Light of the World Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Indianapolis, and C. Douglas Smith, executive director of the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy. The appointments increase the Advocacy Team to 21 members.The Advocacy Team is a shared ministry among D.C. congregations, Light of the World Christian Church, Park Avenue Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in New York City, and the Christian Church Capital Area. Hobgood-Oster, the daughter of former General Minister and President Chris Hobgood, will serve as senior fellow for eco-justice and environmental concerns, Adams, who is also chief executive officer of Project Impact Indianapolis, will serve as senior advisor on juvenile justice and restoration, and Smith will serve as senior advisor on interfaith advocacy. For more information, visit:

HISTORICAL SOCIETY INTERVIEWS GENERAL MINISTER AND PRESIDENT-General Minister and President Sharon Watkins recently sat down to talk with Glenn Carson, president of the Disciples of Christ Historical Society, for an in-depth discussion about her life. In the hour-long audio dialogue that is broken up into eleven segments, Watkins speaks on several topics including being the eldest of five siblings, growing up in a Disciples congregation, her call to ministry and her vision for churches in the 21st century. To listen to the audio segments, go to:

DISCIPLES SEMINARIANS CONFERENCE REGISTRATION NOW OPEN-Registration for the 2009 Disciples Seminarians Conference is open to all M.Div. students who have completed a year of study. Scheduled for March 5-8 in Nashville, Tenn., the conference will give seminarians opportunities to meet other new Disciples leaders and learn how the church can help them and the congregation or organization they lead to minister faithfully and effectively. The conference is sponsored by Disciples general ministries and organized by Higher Education & Leadership Ministries. Registration is $95, and a limited amount of travel stipends is available. The registration deadline is Feb. 3, 2009. To register or to learn more about the conference, go to:

MEMO TO ADULT YOUTH MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS: ATTEND YOUTH MINISTRY BACKPACK CONFERENCE - FREE!! As an adult youth ministry volunteer would you like to receive training in youth ministry? Do you have all the knowledge needed to effectively work with youth groups? Would you attend a useful conference if all of your expenses were paid? If the answers to any or all of the previous questions are yes, then the "Youth Ministry Backpack Conference" is for you. This all expenses paid conference will be held at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, Ind., June 12-14, 2009.Please review the attached information. Space is limited, so register early! Applications must be received by March 15, 2009. For more information, see: For questions, contact Tod Iseminger at 888-346-2631 or:

UCCIB NAMES EXPERIENCED MANAGER TO NEW POST-The United Church of Christ Insurance Board has named Carl J. Kotheimer to director, loss control and claims. Kotheimer's responsibilities will include heading the development, communication and administration of superior core competencies in risk management and loss prevention programs for all 2,400 church participants.Kotheimer has 20 years of experience as a risk management leader. He was most recently a compliance and claims manager for a Youngstown, Ohio-based company. "His experience in managing compliance, claims and risk management programs for both small and global companies will serve the IB well," said United Church of Christ Insurance Board President and Chief Executive Officer Cathy Green. To learn more, go to: (PDF)

SPECIAL ADVENT BIBLE STUDY NOW AVAILABLE FROM YOUTH MINISTRY COMMISSION-The Disciples Youth Ministry Commission of Disciples Home Missions has written an Advent Bible study series for youth to use during this Advent season. The study curriculum is especially designed for youth, who, like many people, find themselves dealing with higher than normal levels of stress during this busy time of year."Advent invites us into a time of waiting and preparation, so that we may more fully appreciate the fullness of the Christmas event and the impact this season has on the lives of Christians year round," writers in the study guide note. Weekly themes, activities, discussion starters, and suggestions for worship are included in each week's lesson plans. Download a copy at:

LECTURE AT NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN TO HIGHLIGHT JUSTICE AND EQUITY-Social justice issues will be explored during a lecture at Northwest Christian University on Dec. 4. The topic will be "Ethical Leadership: Toward a Just and Equitable Society" and will occur as part of the Trustee Lecture Series on Leadership and Ethics at Northwest Christian University. NCU is historically related to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and is located in Eugene, Ore.The lecturer will be Carla Gary, assistant vice provost for institutional equity and diversity at the University of Oregon. Gary has been working on the Portland Initiative, a plan that establishes partnerships with Portland schools, community organizations and businesses on behalf of underrepresented students. For more, see:

PRESIDENT OF CULVER-STOCKTON LEAVING FOR ALMA MATER-Culver-Stockton College President William L. Fox has accepted an offer to become president of his alma mater, St. Lawrence University in Canton, N.Y. Fox has been president and senior lecturer at C-SC for six years. During his time as president there, annual fundraising has doubled, and major investments in capital improvements including new buildings, a new track and field facility and substantial interior upgrades have taken place. C-SC is related by covenant to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and located in Canton, Mo.Fox received a bachelor's degree in history from St. Lawrence, a M.Div. degree from the Harvard University Divinity School, and a Ph.D. in history and religion from George Washington University. His resignation from Culver-Stockton becomes effective July 1, 2009. For more, see:

JARVIS CHRISTIAN COLLEGE HIRES DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS-Jarvis Christian College has named Urissanna Roberson as Director of Public Relations. Roberson, who has worked for the past five years in Tyler, Texas, is charged with the oversight of all activities affecting the image of Jarvis College, which is related by covenant to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and located in Hawkins, Texas.A native of Houston, Texas, Roberson earned a bachelor's degree in radio-television from Sam Houston State University, and a master's degree in educational administration from the University of Texas at Tyler. She replaces Larry Everett who has accepted a position at Texas College.For more information about Jarvis Christian College, visit their web site at:

SEND AN ADVENT/CHRISTMAS MESSAGE OR PRAYER TO BETHLEHEM-Global Ministries invites Disciples to be among those sending messages of peace to people in Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus. Individuals, communities, congregations, organizations and partners from around the world are once again invited to e-mail Advent and Christmas wishes and prayers for justice and peace to Bethlehem. The project is being carried out this year in collaboration with the World Council of Churches and its Palestine Israel Ecumenical Forum (PIEF). The tradition dates back to 2000. The wishes and prayers that are e-mailed to organizers will be printed and handed out as personal messages, educational materials at schools and in places of worship, and in the newly established peace house of the Arab Educational Institute opposite the Israeli "separation wall" at Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem. For more details and where to e-mail your prayer or message,

HELM LEADERSHIP FELLOWS EXPLORE THE BREADTH OF MINISTRY-We are all ministers. We just minister in different ways. The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) cherishes each member as a minister, even if we aren't called into ordained ministry. So how do we live into that calling? The Leadership Fellows Program acknowledges the variety of callings and helps students explore their calls to other forms of ministry. The eighth HELM Leadership Fellows Conference, held in November in St. Louis, Mo., focused on the breadth of ministry, examining the different ways ministry takes place. To learn more about the conference, visit:

####Editor: Wanda Bryant WillsE-mail: