Monday, June 30, 2008

A camp story about the flood

From Associate Regional Minister, Bill Spangler-Dunning:

When he stepped out on the porch to check in his daughter for Junior mini camp, I immediately had the feeling that we was someone I had known in my past but my mind could not think quick enough to place what part of my past I was remembering. I went on my way doing my normal check-in procedures thinking I may never figure out who he was and how we knew each other.

The memory was lodged in a deep part of my mind, the place I keep people whom I have spent day in and day out with for months. Yet, I still could not place him as he stood on Holy Ground Sunday afternoon.

As luck would have it he had a better memory. As he was heading out the door, he called me by name in a question sort of way to confirm his own memory I suppose. He then said, “You went to Culver-Stockton College, right?” “Tim! Yea that was his name!,” I said to myself loudly and the memories began to flow back in like rushing water. We lived in the same dorm and on the same floor for a whole year together. We sat next to each other and watched tv many nights in the dorm lounge and played a game of pool together now and then. Years ago, he and I had been in the same place and became friends.

Now, he and his wife are members at Noelridge Christian Church in Cedar Rapids. Though I have been there many Sundays over the past 8 years we have never made the reconnect until that moment on the porch this Sunday.

It was all because, Sue Thompson, Youth Minister at Noelridge Christian Church, encouraged Tim and his wife Robin to send their daughter to camp at the last minute. It turns out that the image of “rushing water” is key in this story. You see, Tim’s store that he runs was flooded with over 4 feet of water and because the store is where Tim’s Daughter has formed many memories of her father, she was taking the flood very hard. Sue thought maybe by sending her to camp, to meet other friends, to experience another place and form other memories it might just help her balance out the memories of the flood.

Sometimes it is simply by being in the same place for long enough that we develop relationships that can linger deep in our soul. My favorite word is *Propinquity because I think it is the secret to forming relationships that give us hope in life. I think *Propinquity is what makes us care about others and I believe that it is what makes us the Body of Christ.

I witness everyday moments of propinquity (and RE-propinquity) on our Holy Ground at camp but I know, as the flood and our response has taught us again, this propinquity (Body of Christ) exists far beyond the bondries of camp -- IT is what makes us the church as God intended.

*pro·pin·qui·tyn.1. Proximity; nearness.2. Kinship.3. Similarity in nature.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Pastoral Letter from our Missionaries - Doug and Liz Searles

As we prepare to leave U.S. friends and take up our new ministry in
Poland, our hearts are full. Our hearts go out to the many of you we
have gotten to know in the Iowa DOC during our ministry there, during
our time in China, and over our months of missionary itineration. In
our minds' eye, we can picture each of your churches and many of your
faces (and we still can taste many of your wonderful dinners). This
makes watching the evening news all the more poignant.

And now oceans of water will separate us. Most often, we like to
think of healing waters, life giving waters, baptismal waters, or the
waters of justice and mercy that flow down and feed the parched
desert lands.

This year, however, between the Myanmar floods, quakes and flooding
in areas we served in China, and the flooding in our beloved midwest
in America, it's hard to see water as anything but a destroyer of
lives, crops and property. We are still awaiting news of a few
classroom teachers we've trained--friends we have left behind in
China. We pray that they are safe, but fear the worst and haven't
yet been able to get news.

Often this May and June, the words of the third verse of "How Firm a
Foundation" have echoed unbidden in our minds:

"When through the deep waters I call thee to go, the rivers of woe
shall not thee overflow; for I will be with thee, thy troubles to
bless, and sanctify to thee thy deepest distress."

Sometimes God calls us to pass through deep waters, and we don't have
any absolute assurance that we'll safely reach the other side.
Passing through deep waters almost always is an act of faith, of
physical and emotional courage, and often of the spiritual courage to
recover and act to be a healing presence to others in the midst of
our own immobilizing loss and grief. These are not easy acts, these
acts of courage in the deep waters that surge around us. They are
difficult, testing our faith in and connection to God.

Please know that our prayers are with each and all of you as you act
with heart, with faith, with wisdom, and with courage and commitment
in these times of deep waters.

July 30 we leave for Poland and our new assignment there with the
Evangelical Reformed Church, and jointly with the DoC/UCC Global
Missions. Our new friends in Poland will be praying, too, for
recovery and restoration in your homes, churches, and communities.

"When through the deep waters I call you to go . . . . . I will be
with you," says our God. We give thanks that this is so!

May you feel God's peace~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~in the midst of all storms.
Liz & Doug Searles en route to Poland
and Mackenzie working at Shoals Marine Lab for the summer and Mick
(still willing to travel with us)

We're always happy to hear your news!
712 540 4901

Saturday, June 28, 2008

One NC congregation’s end is another’s beginning

From Disciplesworld:

New Moderator Elected for Presbyterians

From Presbyterian News Service:

The Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow, 39, an energetic new church development pastor in San Francisco and leader in the "emergent church" movement, was elected moderator of the 218th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Saturday night (June 21), capturing a second ballot victory.
Reyes-Chow — who received 48 percent of the first ballot votes — won an easy majority on the second ballot with 390 votes or 55 percent.

Reyeschow_moderator The Rev. William "Bill" Teng of National Capital Presbytery finished second with 255 votes or 36 percent. The Rev. D. Carl Mazza of New Castle Presbytery finished third with 52 votes or 7 percent. Elder Roger Shoemaker of Homestead Presbytery trailed with seven votes or 1 percent.

Reyes-Chow is pastor of Mission Bay Community Church, an innovative new church of San Francisco Presbytery that was recently named winner of a 2007 Sam and Helen Walton Award for outstanding new church development. In his address to the Assembly, he noted that he makes as many pastoral calls by email as by in-person visitation.

Such is the future of ministry, Reyes-Chow said. Mission Bay has a state-of-the-art Web site and extensive electronic communications among members and participants, which he said is absolutely essential for a congregation that is predominantly under-40. (Read more.)

Photo credit: The Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow was elected moderator of the 218th General Assembly. Photo by Joseph Williams

Changes at the Christian Conference Center

From Associate Regional Minister, Bill Spangler Dunning:

I continue to be so thankful for everyone who contributes to the ministries
that we are able to do together because of our common Holy Ground at the
Christian Conference Center in Newton IA.

Recently we have seen some changes that I wanted to share with everyone...

1. Marion Christian Church spent 4+ weekends working on the remodeling
cabin 1's bathroom. Due to a hot water heater needing to be replaced and
new codes we had to totally redesign the bathrooms into one beautiful

2. First Christian Church, Newton IA added phase 2 to the Cardinal Suite by
adding new lights and a drop ceiling.

3. The plan for Chi Rho Rustic Area this Summer is to add roofs over the
table areas in the villages... They are slowly coming together....

4. Camp 15 added a new path around our pond and added new benches along the
shore for fishing or just a little reflection

5. We really were not thinking we would be doing anything to the retreat
house this Summer but thanks to heavy amounts of ground water the lower
section received about an inch of water. So a remodeling plan for the fall
got moved up to now...

Thanks for all your support and our prayers go out to all who have and are
affected by the flood of 2008

See these changes at ....

Bill Spangler-Dunning

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Update on Cedar Christian

The report below is from Bill Gardner, interim pastor at Cedar
Christian Church in Cedar Rapids. (For some of you who have received
the link to the pictures of the damage of the church, below is the
corrected link.)

Please continue to keep these folks in your thoughts and prayers.
Their's will be a journey of faith, to be sure. May God continue to
richly bless all of us, especially those who have suffered tragedy and
devastation in their lives.

To the Christian Church in the Upper Midwest,

At the Cluster 5 Pastors' Picnic held on Monday, June 16, atCenter Point, several of those present wanted to know the assessment ofdamage at Cedar Christian. At that time we had not entered thebuilding. Since then I have been in the building and this is my assessment, which is general and in no way a cost assessment or professional.

The flood of 2008 reached 7 feet high inside the Cedar ChristianChurch educational building. This meant it covered virtually everythingon the first floor: furnaces, water heater, copiers, 3 computers,printers, all file cabinets, all furniture in 3 offices, book cases, 3metal desks, carpeting - including stairways to the second floor, allair conditioning motors, walls and woodwork.

The sanctuary basement (fellowship hall) was flooded to groundlevel and plaster, ceiling, and ducts are down. The flood water hasdrained and it is no longer flooded. All furnaces, water heaters,stoves and refrigerators were also flooded. Many lower windows werebroken under the weight. All pans, dishes, etc. are covered with dirt.Cabinets are damaged. It should be added that river mud and sewage wasinside, as well as outside, the buildings. The sanctuary carpet at thefront was covered with about 9 inches of water, as were the first fewrows of pews. The floor is uneven.

We did not have flood insurance as we weren't in a flood plain.We are several blocks from the 500 year flood plain, besides. Also,FEMA funds are not available, except for loans. In addition, the churchhas 3 rental houses that will have to be dealt with, plus the Wee CareHouse is damaged. Crossroads Mission and preschool programs cannot continue, for now.

Some positives: We met that Sunday following the flood at FirstChristian Church of Cedar Rapids. Our secretary, Linda Jandik, has setup an office there. All church records that we can salvage from theflood will go there. The email to use for now is Pastor Fred's, as heis taking over July 1. His email address First Christian's address is 840 ThirdAvenue SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403, c/o Linda Jandik (Cedar's secretary).

We have heard from a few former members who want to help.$1,000 has been received from Week of Compassion via Don Hiscox/RegionalOffice. Those members evacuated have, or will, receive a check fromWeek of Compassion.

Any written response would be a great boost for morale at Cedar!

J. William (Bill) Gardner
P.S. Check website photos of damage at

Monday, June 23, 2008

Mission Opportunity for Twin Cities Disciples

Hi All!!
The next DOC "FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN" date has been set: Monday, July 14th 6:00-7:30 at the Brooklyn Park office. We have reserved spaces for 25 people.

Please RSVP to this e-mail with names of people for whom you are placing a reservation. Then please "get the word out" in your congregations with my e-mail for all who wish to participate. I would like to have confirmed reservations by Friday, July 11th so that I can call for a final push that Sunday, if needed, through the pastors of our congregations.

Please submit all reservations to:

Thanks to all for your interest and participation!! The July date is set on a Monday after main work hours for those who have busy summer schedules with few Saturdays available.

Looking forward to serving together on the 14th!

Alison Robuck

Family Reunion impressed with Disciples

From Associate Regional Minister Bill Spangler Dunning:

At the end of camp this past week, we hosted a family reunion in our lodge
room/Great Hall area. They came from across the country to be together as
family. We do a lot of reunions during the summer and it is always
exciting to play just a small part in assisting a family, divided by miles
and years, to gather together in a place that promotes wholeness. This
family came to us by way of a family member who had attended a scrap
booking retreat in the past and thought that the Christian Conference
Center would be a great place to host her family gathering. With accents
and multiple cultures represented they reconnected and, in a very real
sense, became family again. Though this would be enough of a story to
share I also wanted to share with you that as they were packing up several
of them commented, "You really act Christian around here. Some people just
have it in their name!" In a small way, we introduced this group of
people, who are now once again spread throughout the country, to our church
family called the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). This kind of
moment happens a lot on Holy Ground. Most, before arriving, have never
heard of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) but after a visit they
become family.

Thanks for letting me share

Regional Minister and President to Conclude Ministry in December

From Regional Minister and President, Richard Guentert:

June 21, 2008

To: The Disciples Church Family of the Upper Midwest Region

Re: The Date for the Completion of a Regional Ministry

Dear friends,

At the end of 2008 it is my intention to complete my service as Regional Minister and President to the Upper Midwest Region. I am announcing it at this early point to provide the Region’s Personnel Unit a suitable window of time for assessing leadership needs and for seeking to identify and call that leadership.

December 31st will be the last day of my service to the Region in this role, and will mark the completion of 15 years in this office of episcopal care for the congregations of Iowa, Minnesota and the Dakotas. The finishing-out of this term of office will also mark the end of 29 years of my life which have been dedicated to the Regional manifestation of Christ’s church in the Regions of Kansas and the Upper Midwest.

It was following the Upper Midwest floods of 1993 that I was consecrated to begin this particular ministry. And now it is following the Upper Midwest floods of 2008 that I offer this letter indicating the future date of my resignation, and pause to recall another kind of flood – the flood of blessings with which I have been blessed as your Regional Minister in all those in-between years.

Thank you for all the personal and professional development you have nurtured in my life the past decade and a half. These years have been deeply rewarding and have afforded me a host of precious memories. It has been a privilege for me to be your servant in the stewardship of this Sacred Trust. Reflecting on the providence which made this charge possible, I am deeply humbled. This has been a wonderful and meaningful setting for the exercise of my baptismal vocation, for the employment of my ordination vows, and for the utilization of my gifts for Regional ministry.

I have been fortunate to work with some of the finest lay and clergy leadership this denomination has generated. Throughout this ministry I’ve been surrounded by committed Regional Board leadership and truly gifted Moderators in each and every biennium. Most especially I am grateful for the caliber and commitment of both Clergy Staff and Support Staff whose partnership in this endeavor has continually been collegial, supportive, inspiring and remarkable.

I am quite confident about the transitions that will be occurring – given the continuity of quality Regional leadership that is being nominated in October to lead us into the next biennium, and given the continuity of quality professional ministerial leadership you have in Don, Bill, Andy, Caroline, Roberta and Bert.

And the Region is likewise blessed to have in place an outstanding and exceptional Personnel Unit under the able leadership of Randy Ehrhardt. I invite your prayers for them as they begin their work in discerning the leadership needs for a new era in the ministries of the Upper Midwest Region. And please be assured that I will remain diligent in providing the best energies and efforts I can throughout the remainder of this year.

As “Disciples Together” we have traversed a significant season and a cherished chapter in the life of Christ’s church. In the coming six months I have no doubt that this Region’s leadership will pull together to keep on addressing the immediate and the long-term challenges that lie ahead of us. We do so always mindful that we are “Sharing in the Fullness of God’s Table, for the Blessing of All.”

It is my sincere prayer that history will regard the work and witness we have accomplished “together” as efforts upon which future generations may build, and that our offerings rendered “together” will truly bring glory to Christ and to his Church.

Yours in Christ’s service,

Dr. Richard Guentert

Gratitude for Week of Compassion Giving

The following message was received from Liz Woodward, pastor of First
Christian Church, Cedar Falls, Iowa regarding the Week of

"Delivering the WOC solidarity checks has been an amazing
experience. Each and every family is overwhelmed with gratitude and
humbled by the strength and support of the whole church. One man
tired to say "thanks" this morning in worship...we simply cried
together. There are not adequate words to express this
congregation's gratitude. We are truly blessed to be a part of God's
family known as the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ.) I only
wish the words carried the depth of gratitude and thanksgiving felt
by this congregation. Liz"

Feelings of gratitude and thanksgiving are being experienced in over
a dozen congregations across the Upper Midwest Region, and in our
neighboring Regions of Illinois/Wisconsin, Indiana, Mid-America, and
perhaps others.

Initial estimates are still incomplete regarding monies that will be
needed by Week Of Compassion to provide the long-term presence that
will be needed. We have begun receiving offerings - for the $50,000
challenge - for Week of Compassion, and words of appreciation for
your expressions of generosity are not able to convey the gratitude.

I look forward to receiving your most generous gift - and any
offering provided by the congregation with whom you worship -
designated for Upper Midwest Regional disaster relief.

God's blessings on you!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Prayer and Action for Zimbabwe on Sunday, June 22, 2008

From Global Ministries:

Written by Sandra Gourdet and LaMarco Cable
June 18, 2008

Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

The citizens of Zimbabwe will return to the polls to cast their ballots for the presidency on Friday, 27 June 2008. Global Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ want to emphasis the critical nature of this election, its fairness and its aftermath as the results will influence the future of the nation and region. As the days lead up to the Election Day we are mindful of the challenges of our global partners and all the people of Zimbabwe as they seek to overcome violence as they exercise democracy.

On Sunday 22 June 2008 Global Ministries in solidarity with our partners, the world community invites you to join us in a season of prayer for the people of Zimbabwe, its leaders and election officials. On this Sunday and the days to follow we ask you to join the faith community praying for a swift, peaceful and just resolution to the crisis confronting our sisters and brothers in Zimbabwe and praying God's peace, justice and grace to prevail in that region. May the following prayer guide your heart and thoughts as we petition God for the people of Zimbabwe.

Eternal God:

In your sight nations rise and fall, and pass through times of trial. We pray with and for Zimbabwe in this hour of national decision, and we ask your divine blessing on all the people of the land. May Zimbabwe's leaders seek justice by means that are just; May the voters take action to promote the common good; may international observers and mediators be guided by your wisdom. Lead us not into temptation, Lord, and deliver your people from evil: Empower us all to overcome anger, jealousy, division and violence; help us to respect one another despite our differences; and teach us the things that truly make for peace. This we pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.

(prayer written by Rev. Dr. Samuel Kobia, General Secretary, World Council of Churches)

In addition to joining the faith community in prayer we invite you to add your signature on a letter calling for a fair and peaceful election in Zimbabwe. In this open letter, former heads of state, business leaders, academics and leading campaigners call for the presidential election to be conducted in a peaceful and transparent manner that allows the citizens of Zimbabwe to express freely their will. To access the letter and add your signature, go to:

May the God of justice and equality bless you as you continue to stand in solidarity with our partners in Zimbabwe.

Yours in Christ,

Rev. Sandra Gourdet - Africa Area Executive

Rev. LaMarco A. Cable Program Associate Advocacy and Education

For More Information
Sandra Gourdet
Area Executive
PO Box 1986
Indianapolis,Indiana 46206

Fax: 317-635-4323

A Call for the 2009 General Assembly Resource Group Proposals

From Disciples News Service:

It’s not too late to send in your resource group proposal for the upcoming 2009 General Assembly.

To assist you with this process, all required documents have been made available for download at the bottom of this page. Submitted proposals must be sponsored by a region/ministry and comply with the “Resource Group Criteria” guidelines.

2009 General AssemblyEmail the completed application to by July 1, 2008. Proposals will be reviewed by committee and applicants will be notified of the committee’s decision in July.

Resource Group Documents
All documents are in Adobe PDF.

Flood Update: Cleanup at Cedar Christian

Volunteers are urgently needed at the Cedar Christian Church on SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 2008 BEGINNING AT 9:00 A.M.

Cedar Christian Church

526 - 3rd Avenue SW

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

If you and a carload of your friends can volunteer to assist a fellow congregation in cleaning out the Cedar church building, your help will be greatly appreciated. Dan Mineck, Board Chair at Cedar Christian, says that a hundred volunteers likely won't be too many.

Please call Lynette at 319-389-1065

As you may know, the Cedar Christian Church church building was underwater for several days...and there is extensive water damage throughout the fellowship hall, sanctuary, and new education building. Water stood at approximately 7 feet above ground level, so most everything in the building on ground floor or below is likely destroyed.

Please wear long pants and work boots, and gloves and a mask, and anything else that will keep you safe and protected. While the water has entirely drained out of the buildings, there is still much material in the buildings that has been submerged and needs to be removed...carpeting in the sanctuary, boxes of paper and other material, desks and chairs, soaked drywall, etc., etc. It is hoped that all this material, and the wet drywall can be removed before the mold arrives. The stench of the remains of dirty, standing water is pretty powerful, so please come prepared for a tough day's work.

Your participation in this Disciples Together activity will surely be a blessing to the good folks at Cedar Christian Church. May God richly bless you as you give this day of labor in love for your fellow Disciples.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Support for a Mission Project

From Tom Felts of Urbana Christian Church:

There are several speciality camps offered to the young people in the region. One of them is CYF #14 Rustic/Mission. We stay in the Rustic area but every day we go into the community to do a mission project. This year we have a great project. We will be building a storage shed for the Habitat for Humnaity house in Jasper Co. The youth will be able to start with a pile of wood and finsh the week with a shed.

We need your help. We would like to pay for the material to build the shed. The cost for a 8' x 8' shed should be about $700.
If you or your church would like to help plese send money to the Christian Conference Center and mark it for CYF #14
The camp will be July 28 -Aug 2.

Any questions? Give me a call Tom Felts 319-389-9384

Worshipping in the Midst of a Crisis

This Sunday, June 22 -- the community of Ursa, Illinois will be have a community Park Festival. A weekend event celebrating our Village of Ursa and several of the community organizations. There will be ball games, a car show, games for kids, baby contests and lots of good food. The Firemen are holding a fish fry, the Lions a pork chop dinner, and on Sunday the only other church in the town besides my Disciple church --(Zion United Church of Christ) will be having a ham dinner after our community worship...Sounds like a wonderful and fun town event, doesn't it? Something to really bring our community together? And it will be, except for one big thing that is looming over us -- or as I should put it, rolling due West of the town of Ursa -- the Mighty Mississippi River and the Flood of 2008!

Read more about how to worship in a crisis and other posts by Linda Hunsaker, a Disciples pastor in Illinois who blogs at Creative Worship in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

From DisciplesWorld Magazine

Disciples News Service Update

The latest from Disciples News Service, June 18, 2008.

An Urgent Disaster Response Meeting

Regional Staff has just recently been in conversation with Carl
Zerweck, Director of the Office of Disciples Volunteering.

In order that those of us in the Upper Midwest Region can get a
handle on what to expect, and how we might be able to respond...over
the the devastation many in our Region have
experienced, two very important meetings have been scheduled. Both
meetings will be on Thursday, June 26, 2008, at Noelridge Christian
, 7111 "C" Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa...319-393-9532.

Meeting # 1 - The first meeting will be primarily targeted for Clergy
and will begin at 1:00 PM. Carl Zerweck will be available to share
with those clergy present the long-term response possibilities that
may be available and necessary in the aftermath of the tornados and
floods in Iowa and Minnesota. He will detail the plan that has been
implemented in Greensburg, KS, respond to questions, and begin our
thinking together to determine whether or not such a plan might also
work in this Region. It should be emphasized that this meeting is
not just for clergy in the affected area, but all clergy with an
interest in responding are strongly encouraged to participate.

Meeting # 2 - The second meeting will be targeted to laypersons and
clergy from congregations throughout the Region. Again, Carl Zerweck
will be available to respond to questions, and help provide possible
ideas as to how we as Disciples Together can respond to our brothers
and sisters whose lives have been uprooted and tossed into turmoil.
Again, this meeting is not just for those persons who have been
directly impacted by the devastation, but also for persons who want
to learn how they can be of assistance.

The purpose of each of these meetings is to initiate conversations,
share vision and insight, and explore what the possibilities might

Many folks have been asking us how they can help...what can they do???

At the present time, assessment of the damage and of the needs of
each of the communities is being conducted. No one knows yet exactly
what will need to be done, and/or how to go about doing it.

We certainly want to make sure that nothing is done without the full
endorsement and support of the local community, especially those most
affected by the flood and tornadoes.

Please put both of these meetings on your calendar and publicize them
within the congregation with whom you worship. We look forward to
seeing you then and sharing in this important mission and ministry,
whatever it turns out to be.

God's blessings on you and those who have been directly impacted by
the devastation.

Richard Guentert, Regional Minister
Don Hiscox, Associate Regional Minister
Bill Spangler-Dunning, Associate Regional Minister

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

From the DOC Lectionary Blog

"In our church (and in many others), there is a part of the worship service called the “Passing of the Peace.” One member recently disclosed to me that he didn’t like “all that hugging” in the middle of worship, that such greetings and signs of affection should take place “outside the sanctuary,” either before worship in the narthex or afterward during our time of fellowship."

Read on to learn more about the texts for this coming Sunday at the DOC Lectionary Blog.

Introducing "Come Thirsty: An Emerging Gathering of 20/30 Somethings

The following is from Amy Wick, a UCC member in Minnesota and coordinator for a joint endeavor between UCC and Disciple people interested in Young Adult Ministry:

As many of you know, we had a good meeting on May 29th that resulted in the planning of a UCC/Disciples 20/30 somethings kick-off event.

Our kick-off event is "Thirsty Thursday" in the Park: Five Thursdays of kickball, food, and drink 8:00PM, July 3rd-31 at Bryant Square Park, on 31st and Bryant in S. Minneapolis. Fellowship at Bryant Lake Bowl will follow. If it is raining, fellowship at Bryant Lake Bowl will begin at 8:00pm.

Dennis Sanders has created a beautiful UCC/Disciples of Christ 20/30 somethings website. Check it out! The address is:

Looking forward to being in further conversation with you...Please pass the word to any/all 20/30 somethings you know!

In Christ, Amy Wick Moore

You can contact Amy by going to the "Come Thirsty" website.

A Pastoral Letter on the Midwest Floods

From Regional Minister, Richard Guentert:

A Pastoral Letter of Presence and Encouragement

As I write this note the National Weather Service has issued alert number 528. The rains and the rampant threats of flooding across various parts of Iowa seem to just continue unrelentingly.

As your Regional Minister I want to assure you that my heart goes out to those who have been the casualties of those flood waters. Likewise I have received phone calls and communications from other Regional and General church leaders across the denomination.

In a phone call to me yesterday, your General Minister and President, the Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins, offered her attention and prayers as she is mindful of our situation. She wants you to know of her personal concern as we struggle with this disastrous event.

Businesses and churches have been inundated in varying degrees of seriousness in those run-off and lower lying areas areas – as have residences. People have been heartbroken as they watch treasured places of residence and work be submerged by the engulfing waters. Farmers are helpless as they watch seeded crop lands be submerged by the muddied and swollen streams.

The death of four scouts and the hospitalization of 40 others who were fellow campers put an exclamation point on a season of tragedy and sorrow for many families in this Region.

Many volunteers and community workers are exhausted – mentally, physically and psychologically - as they have worked valiantly to address the emergency and safety concerns of residents. Many have worked hard but lost the battle to the forces of nature. Many will continue to battle the elements, in striving to preserve as much as possible of what remains after the flood.

Community leaders, disaster relief workers, and denominational church leaders are already giving attention to those relief efforts that will need to follow on the heels of the flood when it finally subsides. Pastors have called the Regional Center wondering about volunteer work teams that can be organized to go into those areas following the aftermath. I’ve had similar inquiries from Regional Ministers in the surrounding Regions.

The Region and the Week of Compassion personnel have already been in touch with each other about relief monies to help in some of these arenas. Help will be forth-coming from them as we get clearer assessments about need.

Let me encourage all Disciples across the Region to make over and above gifts to Week of Compassion – designated/anotated for the Iowa Flood Relief effort. Those can be sent to the Regional Church Center, Box 41217, Des Moines Iowa, 50311-0504, if you are desiring congregational credit for your gift. They will be forwarded in a timely manner to the Week of Compassion for this specific useage.

In the meantime, what can we do? We can live-out the very vision around which we have gathered in this Region for a number of years: We are “Disciples together, sharing in the fullness of God’s Table, for the Blessing of All!!” Now is the moment to demonstrate the depth of what those words really, really mean!!!

1. We, can lean on each other. The community relationship we experience with friends, family, and neighbors means everything in such moments.

2. As “Disciples Together” we can render thanks for the health and well-being of family and friends. Possessions may be lost, but the gift of “life and breath and being” means that there is always “possibility and promise” for starting over again.

3. We, as “Disciples Together” can Pray. Give thanks for the life-sustaining faith that was imbedded in your hearts and souls in the most formative moments of your life. (You may want to re-read – and pray – that powerful testimony to faith and hope that is recorded in Romans 8:18-38.)

4. We, as those who are “Sharing in the fullness of God’s Table” can gather in worship to sing together, to pray together, to hear the word together, to be sustained by Communion together. Therein is the spiritual sustenance that will buoy us sufficiently to endure the immediate circumstances.

5. We, as those who exist “For the Blessing of All” can hear God’s word of encouragement from Romans 5:3-5. “. . . 3We also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, 5and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.”

6. And we, as those who exist “For the Blessing of All” can share our resources, our time, our energy, and our monetary blessings through the Week of Compassion, to help our less fortunate brothers and sisters.

In the meantime, know that your Regional and General church is walking alongside you and holding you close in their thoughts and prayers as well.

May God bless and strengthen us each one for the journey!

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Dr. Richard Guentert,

Regional Minister and President

Christian Chruch (Disciples of Christ) in the Upper Midwest

Monday, June 16, 2008

Seminarian for Upper Midwest Region in Bosnia

From Week of Compassion:

Today, WOC Directors Amy Gopp and Johnny Wray are being joined by another group of Disciples seminary students on a ten day mission trip to the Balkans. This is the fourth such trip WOC has offered Disciples seminarians; it is an excellent opportunity to give up-and-coming pastors and church leaders a firsthand look at how Disciples dollars respond to disasters, assist the uprooted, support invaluable community-based development projects, and strengthen vital peace-building and reconciliation efforts as part of post-war reconstruction – all done through a remarkable network of ecumenical and local partners.

Under the auspices of the Church World Service Balkans Office, the delegation will visit WOC/Disciples-supported programs and projects of CWS and its local partner, the Foods Resource Bank, as well as the “Build A Village” project in Grahovo, Bosnia – a project, strongly supported by Disciples, that may well serve as a model for future CWS development work throughout the world.

Members of the delegation include Fay Barnes, Lexington Theological Seminary; Clint Collins, Phillips Theological Seminary; Bekah Cypert, Brite Divinity School; Adam Frieberg, University of Chicago Divinity School; Nona Hodder, Christian Theological Seminary; and Ryan Motter, Vanderbilt Divinity School. The delegation will return home on June 23.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Report from Cedar Rapids

From Regional Associate Minister Don Hiscox:

I've just learned that yesterday evening (Thursday, 6-12-08) the
Cedar Christian Church building, in Cedar Rapids flooded. As of this
afternoon (at about 5:45 Friday), I learned that the basement of
Cedar CC is full of water, and because they can't get in to see the
building, they don't know whether or not the sanctuary has taken on
any water. They will be worshipping with the First Christian
congregation this coming Sunday, according to Fred Darbonne, pastor
of First Christian.

I've also just received the following note from Barbara Appleget,
Chair of the Pastoral Search Committee for Cedar Christian Church...

"I haven't been down there (to the church building) myself to see
because they are asking people to stay away but one of our friends
was pretty close the other night and reported that there were three
vans parked in front of our church and the water was up to the roof
of those vans. I talked with Pastor Bill (Gardner, interim pastor)
and we are pretty sure the basement has water in it, along with the
Multi Purpose Building, our Wee Care Shop, etc. No one could have
known this was coming...even the 100 year flood plain wouldn't have
gone this far out I don't believe...we have a lot of work to do and
some difficult decisions ahead of us. First Christian has invited us
to worship with them on Sunday so the prayer chain is going to alert
people that we won't be having church in our building. The Cedar
River crested today at a little over 31 feet but it'll be a while
before we can get in to assess the damage. It's difficult to get
around Cedar Rapids. There are so many roads closed and all the
bridges over the river, of course, are closed. The I-380 bridge is
still open so maybe we can get to First Christian Sunday morning. I
understand Des Moines is also having water problems...I pray they
aren't as destructive as Cedar Rapids. So many people lost their
homes...It's so sad...."

A Week of Compassion solidarity grant will be going out to the Cedar
congregation this coming Monday.

It's great news that the rivers are cresting in places like Des
Moines and Cedar Rapids, but those folks who live down stream still
have lots and lots of water coming their way, so the crisis is not
over by any means.

Please keep the entire congregation of Cedar Christian Church and of
First Christian Church in Cedar Rapids and all those folks who live
downstream in your thoughts and prayers.

Week of Compassion Appeal Update

Yesterday, Don Hiscox asked Disciples in the Upper Midwest to raise $50,ooo to supplement funds given to the Region by Week of Compassion to help those affected by the floods and tornadoes in Iowa and Minnesota. I wanted to leave you with an update: a Disciple in Minnesota (whose chooses to remain anonymous) sent $500 to help with the relief efforts!

We thank God for the gererosity of this Minnesota Disciple. The challenge from Don still remains:

I challenge the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Upper Midwest
in the next ten days to raise at least $50,000 in new money as gifts designated
to the Week of Compassion for Upper Midwest Region flood and tornado relief. My
wife, Karen, and I have just written our personal check...I'm going to ask the
congregation where we worship to at least match our gift.

Please consider donating what you can.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Urgent Appeal for Week of Compassion

From Associate Regional Minister, Don Hiscox:

This an update and an appeal!!!

Week of Compassion has wired $12,000 to the Upper Midwest Region for distribution to persons impacted by the floods and tornados while Johnny Wray and Amy Gopp, Director and Assistant Director of Week of Compassion respectively, are out of the country on a working mission trip.
These grants can best be described by the email I received yesterday from Johnny Wray...

"I leave for an extended working trip to the Balkans tomorrow (Thursday) and
will be out of pocket pretty much most of June. Week of Compassion is going to
place funds with Don Hiscox in the regional office to respond to our churches
and members affected by the floods. We don't have precise protocols but flexible
guidelines which include what we call solidarity grants (anywhere from $100 -
$250) for impacted Disciples families and then where there are extentuating
circumstances (i.e. major damage, no insurance, family illness,
unemployments,limited resources – those kind of things) we've made grants of
$500, $750, $1000 even higher – but all this is based on the counsel and
discretion of the pastor. Also, we do like to support any community responses
the congregation is supporting."

So far, $6,950 has been distributed to four communities and/or families in the form of either solidarity or extenuating circumstances grants...Hugo, MN (tragic death of a small child in a tornado); Corning, Iowa (severe community flooding); Waterloo, Iowa (six families in the congregation have lost their homes); and Mason City, Iowa (one family in the congregation has lost their home)...

And we all know that this is just the tip of the iceburg!!!

And so, my appeal...I challenge the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Upper Midwest in the next ten days to raise at least $50,000 in new money as gifts designated to the Week of Compassion for Upper Midwest Region flood and tornado relief. My wife, Karen, and I have just written our personal check...I'm going to ask the congregation where we worship to at least match our gift.

Will you please join us by writing your check today, and by promoting this fund raising appeal in the congregation in which you worship?

Many, Many Thanks...and May God bless you richly!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Workshop on Congregational Renewal Expanded

RE:IMAGE, a one day conference produced and presented by Iowa Religious Media Services is pleased to announce that Rev. Larry Graves will be presenting breakout sessions on congregational renewal at the August 16 conference in Des Moines.

Graves serves on the national staff of the American Baptist Churches ­USA. He serves the American Baptist Extension Corporation as a field representative assisting churches with acquisition, renovation and construction of property for the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Graves is just one of many exciting and stimulating speakers who will provide insights at this unique one day event.

Iowa Religious Media Services (IRMS) is a media center supported by the Mid-American Baptist Region and six other covenanting denominations in Iowa and the upper midwest.
Thanks for helping spread the word about this conference to those who would want to attend.

Judith Jaastad

You can register for the conference by going here.

Reporting Flood Damage

Dear Friends,

I am reposting this as a reminder to contact Don Hiscox at the Regional Office if you learn of congregations that have been affected by the recent flooding in Iowa. Please keep the people of Iowa in your prayers.
-Dennis Sanders

From Associate Regional Minister Don Hiscox:

Please...if you know of persons in DoC congregations...or towns where DoC congregations exist...or of other emergency needs...Please let me know as soon as you possibly can.Johnny Wray, Director of the Week of Compassion, has asked for this information so that small, emergency grants can be issued by WoC.

I just learned that the town of Corning got flooded pretty one in the church family was injured or had loss (other than some farm crops lost)...but the town lost all its school-owned vehicles...the pizza hut was flooded were a number of homes of village residents...

Please let me know of situation about which you are aware...thanks!!!!

You can email Don at

DOC friends who have interest in FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN!!

From Alison Robuck, a Disciples pastor in the Twin Cities:

Dear DOC Friends, I was strangely and powerfully moved by the tragedy in Myanmar. Perhaps it was because of several acquaintances I've made with Burmese refugees in the Twin Cities...but for whatever reason, I became deeply moved by the helplessness and loss of tens of thousands of lives! I felt myself so physically affected by the events -and the "stubborness" of their government - for lack of a better word - that I simply had to DO something!

I have started participating in the "walk-in" nights/days at Feed My Starving Children. They have been able to get more than 1 million meals into Myanmar through a "trusted" agency and are working towards sending more. What I learned yesterday I wanted to pass along to all of you who have participated and/or are interested in the ministry of Feed My Starving Children. For the past 5 years, they have been able to hold their costs to 15 cents per meal.

With the recent food crisis, their cost for rice has about doubled - and by August, the projected cost for rice will be nearly triple of what it has been. Currently, the cost of rice increase - paired with increases in transportation costs - has raised their cost per meal to 17 cents. An increase of 2 cents per meal doesn't sound like much, but multiply by millions and it is substantial!!

There are several funds needing our monetary support at the moment, and I do not advocate competing for funds that would otherwise be donated to either the "Prindle Family Fund" - in response to the Hugo tornado that caused personal, tragic loss for the Prindle family - or the Week of Compassion, which continues to offer aid throughout the world. What I would like to suggest, though, is that we somehow find a way of collecting our loose change to direct towards the ministry of Feeding God's children in Myanmar, Haiti, and other devastated areas of the world.

For more information, please go to In addition to contributing our change, I would like to suggest getting a DOC group to volunteer for another FMSC volunteer event! If you have volunteered before, you know how fun & rewarding it is to work side-by-side with other "Disciples" for the common goal of feeding God's children. If you haven't yet participated in this ministry, then now is your chance!! What I need - in order to set a date and sign us up - is simply a response from everyone receiving this e-mail. If you would please send a simple reply to this e-mail (either "interested" or "not interested" would be just fine), I would certainly appreciate it. As soon as I have received at least 10 "interested" responses, then I will work towards securing a date and time. (With summer being a crazy time for coordinating schedules, if you want to send along "not available" times with your e-mail, that would be helpful, but not completely necessary.) I simply would like to make certain that there is enough interest to make it happen!

Hoping that you all are enjoying a meaningful summer with family & friends!

Peace to all,
Alison Robuck

If you live in teh Twin Cities Area and would like to participate, please email Alison at

Male Camp Counselor Needed

From Associate Regional Minister Bill Spangler-Dunning:

Hello all,

I really need your help but in someway hate to ask... we have been looking for a male counselor for camp 8 next week and have nearly had 3 but other things are taking them away... Our last hope has been called to help with flooding issues as part of his duty in National Guard. So I appeal to you all for a male counselor for chi rho Camp 8 starting with counselor meeting on this coming Sunday... Can you help...


You can email Bill at

Baptismal Heater Needed

Hi, I am looking for a heater for our baptismal. We need one and I have no idea as to where to look for one. Could you help me?


Sandy Noren
First Christian Church
Vinton Iowa

Please contact Sandy Noren. Her email is:

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Highland Park CC, in DSM needs assistance

From Associate Regional Minister, Don Hiscox:

It has just been reported to me that there are numerous folks who are members of the Highland Park Christian Church in Des Moines who need assistance...please see Gail Holcombe's note below...if you can help, please don't hesitate to call them...

From Rev. Gail Holcombe, Minister of Health, Highland Park Christian Church:

I am currently assisting church members to pack up and evacuate their homes in Saylor township (north of an area that might be impacted when the emergency spillway finally gives way)So much help is needed to prepare for the flooding that will arrive on Wednesday.Anyone knowing folks that can help with the above efforts TODAY (Tuesday) are urged to call Highland Park Christian Church 515-244-3182.

Flood Damage - request for information

From Associate Regional Minister Don Hiscox:

Please...if you know of persons in DoC congregations...or towns where DoC congregations exist...or of other emergency needs...Please let me know as soon as you possibly can.Johnny Wray, Director of the Week of Compassion, has asked for this information so that small, emergency grants can be issued by WoC. I just learned that the town of Corning got flooded pretty one in the church family was injured or had loss (other than some farm crops lost)...but the town lost all its school-owned vehicles...the pizza hut was flooded were a number of homes of village residents...Please let me know of situation about which you are aware...thanks!!!!

You can email Don at

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Disciples News Service Update

The latest from Disciples News Service on June 4, 2008.

Camp Stories: 2008

From Associate Regional Minister Bill Spangler-Dunning:

I know that camp has not even started but the stories have! Yesterday a
repairman came in to fix a machine in the kitchen but as he entered he had
that look of deep remembering. He explained to us that when he entered the
gates to Holy Ground he had to quickly call his sister on the cell phone
and say, "You won't believe where I am! I am at the Christian Conference
- The place we went to camp together!" He explained to us that he
had gone to came at CCC through High School when he was a member at Park
Avenue Christian Church. I asked if he had kids and he said
yes. "Wouldn't it be great to give your kids the same experience?" I
asked? We found his picture on the online archive of camp pictures and he
seemed very happy to remember his time on holy ground and may have given
him reason to reconnect with the church he grew up in as well...

The same day a mother of 2 girls showed up randomly to show her daughters
where she went to camp... May there many more stories like these this


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Association of Disciples Musicians to Meet In Tulsa

Please share this with your church musican and/or worship leaders.

2008 Annual National Conference- Association of Disciples Musicians
July 19-24, 2008

Theme: What is God Doing? Searching for Emerging Worship in a Changing Culture

Where: First Christian Church & Doubletree Hotel Tulsa, Oklahoma

  • David Cherwien- Organ: Renown Church Organist, Director and Composer
  • Phyllis Kirk-Handbells: Minister of Music, Grace Christian Church Helena, Alabama
  • John Thornburg-Worship: Innovative Worship Leader Teacher and Inspiring Preacher
  • Don Studebaker-Choral: Director, Choral Activities, Northeastern State University
  • Jennie Churchman-Emerging Worship: Minister of The Way, Northway Christian Church, Dallas, Texas

Also Including:

  • Music and Equipment Vendor Displays
  • 3 Additional Options per Day including Youth, Children & Liturgical Dance, Visual and Graphic Resources
  • Daily Worship Seminar
  • Sunday Evening Hymn Fest at Boston Avenue Methodist Church featuring David Cherwien
  • Dinner and Tour at the Oklahoma Aquarium
  • ADM Follies Thursday Evening Closing Concert

For more information on the event, please go to the Association of Disciples Musicans website.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Two Longtime Disciple Leaders Leaving Posts

From Disciples News Service:

Longtime Disciples Leaders Announce Plans To Step Aside

Editor’s Note: Please note the corrected headline. Johnny and Deborrah Wray are not retiring, but are leaving their positions at the end of the year.

(Indianapolis, Ind. - DNS - May 30, 2008) - Two longtime general ministry servants have announced their plans to step aside so that they can spend more time together.

Johnny Wray, director of Week of Compassion since 1992, and Deborrah Wray, a development officer with the Christian Church Foundation since 1992, will leave their positions at the end of 2008.

The couple wed in 2002, and desires to spend more time together in less travel-dominated fields.

"Johnny has done a tremendous job in connecting Disciples with the poor, the victims of war and natural disasters and those who have been oppressed," said Sharon Watkins, General Minister and President. "He has been the face of Week of Compassion, and he has served the church well."

During his tenure, Week of Compassion has become one of the church’s most well-known ministries, providing emergency funding and humanitarian aid through church partnerships around the globe, every day.

"The past decade and a half have been the most fulfilling and rewarding years of my life," Johnny Wray told the Week of Compassion Committee. "But I believe now is the time for new leadership at the helm of WOC, and Deb and I look forward to returning to our place in Mississippi."

John Richardson, chair of the Week of Compassion Committee, said: "We respect Johnny’s desire to spend a greater amount of time on his farm with family. People around the world have been blessed by Johnny’s ability to raise money and then ensure that it gets to those in need. His name will forever be linked to the Disciples of Christ ministries of disaster relief, political or economic crisis, and the ministries of self-help and development to lift the poorest people in the world out of poverty, hunger and injustice. He has connected the individuals in our local church pews to the needs of the whole world."

His wife, Debbie, will leave the Foundation as the vice president serving donors and congregations in an area that stretches from Illinois to New York and into the Northeast.

"The church has been blessed by Debbie’s faithfulness, attentiveness and leadership," said Gary Kidwell, Foundation president. "Her passion for the ministries of the church is unwavering, and her love for the church helped her play an important role in connecting Disciples donors with their passions."

"This was not just a job for Debbie - this has been ministry."

Kidwell said Darwin Collins, who had been announced to join the Foundation staff in the fall, will assume sole responsibility for the Great Lakes Zone after Debbie leaves. "We are grateful that there will be some significant time for the two people to overlap so that our services to donors and congregations in that area will be seamless," Kidwell said.

The Office of General Minister and President, in consultation with the Week of Compassion Committee, will appoint a search committee to seek Johnny Wray’s replacement.

The Christian Church Foundation is a general ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) devoted to helping Disciples make a difference through planned gifts and permanent funds that undergird church ministries. To find out more about Christian Church Foundation, visit:

To learn more about Week of Compassion, go to:

Garden City Christian Church Sesquicentennial

We at Garden City Christian Church will celebrate our 150th anniversary on Sunday, June 8, beginning with morning worship at 10am and concluding with a Service of Celebration at 3pm, leaving plenty of time between for sharing a noon meal, and visiting and reminiscing.

We invite you to share this celebration with us. If you cannot attend, perhaps you'll send a message of remembrance. Our address is 104 Washington Street, PO Box 187, Garden City, Minnesota, 56034. Messages can also be emailed to

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Special Fund for Prindle Family

Lake Harriet Christian Church in Minneapolis has established an account for donations to the Prindle Family who were victims in last week's tornado in Hugo, MN. As you know, the Christy and Jerry Prindle are the daughter and son-in-law of Bob and Barb Rhea who are members of Lake Harriet. The tornado claimed the life of the Prindle's two-year-old son, Nathaniel and their four-year-old daughter Annika remains hospitalized in St. Paul along with Jerry.

The fund will be used to help the Prindles as they recover from this tragedy. All donations will be given to the Prindles at a later date this summer.

To donate to the fund, please make your check payable to Lake Harriet Christian Church and write "Prindle Family" in the memo line. You can mail donations to:

Lake Harriet Christian Church
5009 Beard Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN 55410

The latest updates on the Prindle family can be found in Sunday's Minneapolis Star-Tribune.

An update on recovery efforts in Hugo can be found in today's St. Paul Pioneer Press. Please keep the Prindles, Bob and Barb Rhea as well as Susan Rhea (another daughter who is a member at Lake Harriet) in your prayers.