Friday, June 20, 2008

Prayer and Action for Zimbabwe on Sunday, June 22, 2008

From Global Ministries:

Written by Sandra Gourdet and LaMarco Cable
June 18, 2008

Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

The citizens of Zimbabwe will return to the polls to cast their ballots for the presidency on Friday, 27 June 2008. Global Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ want to emphasis the critical nature of this election, its fairness and its aftermath as the results will influence the future of the nation and region. As the days lead up to the Election Day we are mindful of the challenges of our global partners and all the people of Zimbabwe as they seek to overcome violence as they exercise democracy.

On Sunday 22 June 2008 Global Ministries in solidarity with our partners, the world community invites you to join us in a season of prayer for the people of Zimbabwe, its leaders and election officials. On this Sunday and the days to follow we ask you to join the faith community praying for a swift, peaceful and just resolution to the crisis confronting our sisters and brothers in Zimbabwe and praying God's peace, justice and grace to prevail in that region. May the following prayer guide your heart and thoughts as we petition God for the people of Zimbabwe.

Eternal God:

In your sight nations rise and fall, and pass through times of trial. We pray with and for Zimbabwe in this hour of national decision, and we ask your divine blessing on all the people of the land. May Zimbabwe's leaders seek justice by means that are just; May the voters take action to promote the common good; may international observers and mediators be guided by your wisdom. Lead us not into temptation, Lord, and deliver your people from evil: Empower us all to overcome anger, jealousy, division and violence; help us to respect one another despite our differences; and teach us the things that truly make for peace. This we pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.

(prayer written by Rev. Dr. Samuel Kobia, General Secretary, World Council of Churches)

In addition to joining the faith community in prayer we invite you to add your signature on a letter calling for a fair and peaceful election in Zimbabwe. In this open letter, former heads of state, business leaders, academics and leading campaigners call for the presidential election to be conducted in a peaceful and transparent manner that allows the citizens of Zimbabwe to express freely their will. To access the letter and add your signature, go to:

May the God of justice and equality bless you as you continue to stand in solidarity with our partners in Zimbabwe.

Yours in Christ,

Rev. Sandra Gourdet - Africa Area Executive

Rev. LaMarco A. Cable Program Associate Advocacy and Education

For More Information
Sandra Gourdet
Area Executive
PO Box 1986
Indianapolis,Indiana 46206

Fax: 317-635-4323

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