Friday, May 30, 2008

From the DOC Lectionary Blog

He stood looking at the large wooden door. The last time he had been on the other side of that door was a year ago. But the world that he knew on the other side of that door was gone. Gone. His home, his neighbors, and his favorite shady spot by the tree he had planted…all gone. How many times had he walked by the large wooden door, wondering when it would open; when he could walk out and smell the fresh air again; when he could put his feet firmly on land? There had been no time table, no scheduled release. He had no idea when the door would open, or what would be waiting for him on the other side. He had built the door, but he was not the one who shut it. And he could not open it. That was up to God. So Noah stood looking at the large wooden door. Waiting.

Read more of "The Door" by Pastor John.

Note: The DOC Lectionary Blog (started by Associate Regional Minister Bill Spangler-Dunning)is a place where people discuss the weekly lectionary texts. Several bloggers take a text each week and pen (or in this case, type) their reflections as a discussion starter. We hope you will take a peek and start chatting with others about the biblical texts.

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