Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Pastoral Letter about the War in Iraq from General Minister and President Sharon E. Watkins

July 25, 2008
Dear Church,
Grace and peace to you in the name of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

Resolution 0728 adopted at the Fort Worth General Assembly asked that I write a pastoral letter to the congregations about the pain to the nation and to the church related to the war in Iraq. As we surpass the 4000th American death in that war, as at least one of those deaths is a Disciples young man from one of our churches in the Northeast Region, as we pass the unnumbered tens of thousands of Iraqi deaths, I write out of deep sorrow. The families and congregations of those who have died are living with a depth of loss that is unimaginable for those who have not traveled that road. And yet, there is also a depth of pride for the courage displayed by men and women who serve their country through military duty.

As General Minster and President, I have the privilege of participating in conversations with a broad range of persons and partners in mission. Recently I convened a table of persons to reflect on issues raised by the war in Iraq. There were military chaplains present, as well as retired military officers now involved in the church. There were peace and justice activists, representatives of Global Ministries, and two Iraqi refugees – a doctor and a chemist. There were local congregations represented, including a congregation that has been outspoken in its opposition to the General Assembly resolution on Iraq. Personal stories were shared, tears shed, anger expressed and connections made among individuals who ordinarily expect to find themselves on opposite sides of a cavern of divergent opinion. The meeting ended with a strong sense of hope growing out of the oneness in Christ that flows deeper than human opinion.

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