Thursday, August 7, 2008

Camp Stories

From Associate Regional Minister, Bill Spangler-Dunning:

From a distance, standing at the parking lot looking down the hill at
closing circle as the high school campers are saying their good byes, it is
easy for one to be overwhelmed and yet not fully understand what is behind
the tears.

Sure, they cry because they have made deep friendships that may last a
lifetime but closing circle means that for now they must leave each other
and this makes them cry.

Sure, they cry because a week of intense experience with God and their own
faith lives touches them deep in their souls and closing circle means this
concentrated faith time will also be coming to end.

Sure, they cry because they are exhausted having slowly given of
themselves to others all week and it is at closing circle as others are
hugging them goodbye that they realize just how much they meant to others.

Sure, they cry because a week of camp can inspire them for the rest of the
year and the joy that fills their spirits provides the fuel to carry their
faith into the world.

As I watch parents watching the closing circles and listening to the tears I wonder as we change (grow older) do we remember just why we cried during out closing circles. Or maybe even more what do we need to change to make sure we experience our faith and life at a level that changes our lives enough to make us cry tears of joy!

Thank you all for your support of the Christian Conference Center and our
camping ministry!

Bill Spangler-Dunning

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