The note below comes from Doug and Liz Searles, former Global Mission
Partners in may recall they toured Iowa last Summer
sharing news of their great work on our behalf in China. Now,
they've got more exciting news. At this point, it is uncertain
whether or not they will be appointed as Global Mission Partners with
the Upper Midwest Region in their new assignment. We'll just have to
see how that turns out...but I thought you'd like to see their most
recent message. Best wishes. Don Hiscox Hello, Iowa DOC friends !
We hope that all is well and that the winter is nearly past.Here in the Pacific NW, the crocuses and forsythia have been blooming for a month. It's a very different space and place.The weather's great, but we are missing Iowa and Illinois friends.
Good News! We want you to be among the first to know that we have been approved for a joint appointment to Poland. This means that we are sent by both Common Global Ministries (UCC/DOC/Christian Church) and the Presbyterian Church (PC USA). Working more closely with the church in a very different environment from China means big changes for us!
We'll be assigned to the Evangelical Reformed Church in Poland, and will live in a town called Lodz (pron. "Woodge"). It is the birthplace of pianist Artur Rubenstein, has a growing movie industry("Holly-woodge") and used to be a big textile manufacturing center.Now, it has fallen on hard times. Beyond the city, horses pull the ploughs and donkey carts are common.
More information will come soon, as we learn more about our future roles. We're hoping that we can continue our relationship with churches in Iowa if there is interest in Poland. Let us know your thoughts on this.
We'll be walking with ten churches and four meeting points as they work to strengthen their marginalized and shrinking protestant denomination, founded in the mid-1500's, and create a vision for new outreach. Ways we could help include small group development, nurturing pastors, helping improve music in the churches, developing indigenous hymnody, computer support, training ESL teachers in the church schools, and other activities.
Language study will be our first priority, of course. As we begin to study Polish, we are finding that Chinese is looking easier and easier !!!
Please keep holding us up in your prayers as we make this new transition as a family. And . . . . greet all the saints in Iowa for us, won't you?
Thank you, too, for your faithfulness and firm support!
Blessings on all your ministries!
Liz & Doug Searles
thesearles@gmail.com712 540 4901
206 463 1747 (until June 25)