Saturday, July 12, 2008

"Come Thirsty"

Dear Friends,

I wanted to remind you or introduce an initiative to help connect young
adults in their 20s and 30s with local UCC and Disciple congregations.
Called "Come Thirsty" this is a project that result from a conversation of
UCC and Disciple pastors.

We've all noticed the same thing: our children grow up and tend to attend
church less and less. There is always the cry to do something to help get
young adults involved in the life of the church again. Come Thirsty hopes
to do that by hosting events to welcome young adults back home to church or
for the first time, if they have not been part of a faith community.

When Jesus called his disciples, he taught them the ways of God. As it was
then, it is today: Disciples are not born, but they are taught by a faith
community in the ways of Christ. We are called to go and make disciples,
those who were part of the faith community at one time, and those who have
never been been part of congregation teaching the ways of Christ.

We are starting Come Thirsty with a series of "Thirsty Thursdays" where we
will meet every Thursday at 8 for kickball and then gather at Bryant Lake
Bowl in Minneapolis.

I am asking the local Disciple community to do two things:

First please keep Come Thirsty in prayer. We already have a wonder pastor
in Iowa that is lifting us up in prayer and it would be wonderful if we can
get prayers from local Disciples.

Finally, I would ask that you please share this message with any young
adults you may know. Last week we had 30 people attend (though no
Disciples). It would be wonderful to see a few Disciples attend.

Okay, I have one more thing. Even if you are no longer a young adult,
please consider attending just to support this endeavor. "Come Thirsty" is
a project that can help connect and stregthen local congregations and raise
a new generation of leaders of the church. If you are interested in
attending, please contact me at You can also see
Come Thirsty's website at

Thank you for your time and may God be with you.

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